All MLB Items Sept 2014

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Revised Main Lesson Book Requirements 10th Grade Biology,

11/23 12/18 2015

Concept/Process Entries:
Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis
Full analysis of each cycle with diagrams
Comparison of Mitotic cell division to Meiotic cell division; how does the
process of
each cycle correspond to the function of each cycle?
Purpose of certain events: Crossing over, Pairing of Tetrads, etc.
Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis
Differences in process, related to functions? Qualities?
Sperm and egg: Form fits Function
Create an entry that fully describes the process of fertilization.
Make sure include how the different components of the semen and female
system support the journey of the sperm.
How do the events of fertilization result the sperm being able to contribute the
material and prevent the polyspermy?
What is the result of fertilization?
The Stages of Cleavage
Provide a full overview of the cleavage development of the human being
Comparing The Cycles of Cell Division within the Animal Kingdom
What is the significance of the different cleavage patterns? What do they tell us
about the animal? Protostome and deuterostome cleavage patterns?
Incorporate General process, how does form relate to function? Function/fate
for all structures, Increasing complexity through differentiation, cell signaling
Gastrulation and
Formation of the Extraembryonic Membranes
The Formation of 3 Germ Layers
Cephalocaudal Folding
Transverse Folding
Draw out three to four stages of Organogenesis and highlight new structures as
arise. Point out the function and fate of each structure. Try to describe this
entry as an unfolding process, how do the parts of the organism change and
morph as they develop?
From Embryo to Fetus to Birth: The Next 8 months

What are the major milestones? Lead into When are we fully human
All Concepts/Process entries should attempt to fully explain each concept and/or
process that is being depicted. Your goal is to thoroughly elaborate each process and
elucidate any underlying concepts. Processes (i.e. Implantation) should be explained
so that each stage (micro), as well as the entire process (macro) are made completely

Opinion/Scientific Debate Entries:

What is Life?
Opinion Piece on Life and Abortion
Response to the Genetic Modification Issue Debate
Contemplation on Individuality and Consciousness
These entries give you an opportunity to explore current scientific issues. Your goal is
to accurately characterize every side of the debate. This is also an opportunity look
into yourself and explore where your thoughts, opinions and feelings fit in each issue.
Each piece should be at least one page in length, using 12 point font and 1.5 line
Lab Reports:
Lab #1 Onion Root Mitosis
Lab #2 C-Fern Differentiation
Lab #3 Sea Star: explain as a process of development.
Lab #4 Homologous Structures
Lab #5 Zebrafish Embryology
Lab #6 - Chicken Embryo Observations: Observation/identification of
structures in comparison to the human being
Lab #7 Bioengineering of E. coli Bacteria
Each lab report should follow the lab report guidelines given out in class. Make sure
that your conclusions analyze and interpret the results and also elucidate any
concepts associated with the lab.

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