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Checklist of Instructional Modifications for LEP Students

Student(s) (initials): Zachary Morgis

Grade: Elementary
School: YouTube: Guided Reading with ESL Elementary Students

Observation Questions for ELL/LEP student(s)


What techniques/methods/strategies do you see being used

with the ELL/LEP student(s)? Are they effective? Why or
why not? (Either specifically for the ELL student(s) or in
whole class/small group instruction)
Phoenemic awareness. The teacher is using letter sound
blending techniques through sound spelling cards. This also
helps with a visual aid for ELL students. They seem to be
efffective as they are retaining the words and effecienctly
sounding out on their own. This is occurring in small groups.
guided reading has critical text. The teacher goes over the
book before they read it. Then they go over the visual
component of the books pictures to try and develop a basic
story before they even get into actually reading the story.
Any of the words that vocabulary words, the teacher has
them sound it out and then asks them what they believe the
word means. Then she clearly defines the word for them.
This also is an effective method used by the teacher.
The kids then read aloud by themselves in whispering
voices. The teacher is constantly assessign their reading
skills. This completely impressed me. She has individual
notes for each student and puts them in specific reading
levels and ways to increase their readign proficiency.


Do you notice any student behaviors that you would consider

out of the ordinary? Please describe in detail. (This
applies to both the ELL student(s) and other classroom
Since it was a small group lesson, there was nothing out of
the ordinary.


What type of interactions do you see between the ELL

student(s), other classroom students, and the teacher(s)?

Please describe in detail.

As mentioned above, when the students are reading aloud
quietly the teaceher is silently listening to each one of them
read. She gauges their ability.
Another way they interact together is when they sound out
the words together.
Another interaction between the students and the teachers
was when they went over the pictures in their book they
were going to read and they had to draw inferences on what
the book ws about.

Identify resources/materials that are being used with the ELL

student(s). Please describe in detail how the ELL student is
using them. Do they appear to be effective? Explain.
Flash cards are being used that include a letter combination
sound and a picture of something that starts with that sound.
For example, the SH- combination had a picture of a sheep
on it. This is building background and creating links 101.
They are eating this knowledge.
Antother thing done with these cards is that the students are
given cut outs of letters and they must finish spelling the
word on the flash card. Very cool making spelling a visual
and kinesthetic activity.


Does the classroom environment seem to be comfortable for

the ELL student(s)? Please describe the environment and
explain how you made your decision.
Yes, it is almost like the teacher made the class out of your
ELL survival guide ppt. Many items are labeled for them,
they sit together with their peers in a close and comfortable
enviroment. The teacher has multiple visual aids for when
she us talking to the students.
They are sitting together at a small table and there is not too
many things going on around them to create a cognitive


Whats the comfort level of the ELL student(s) in regards to

the English language? What observations help you arrive at
your decision? Refer to the Vocabulary Performance
Indicators. At what level would you place the ELL student?
How did you decide on that level?
Stage 3 Speech Emergence. The reason I believe they are
there is simply their replys to questions made by the
teacher. They were responding in full sentences and were
also asking questions to the teacher.


If you feel comfortable enough to ask, ask the cooperating

teacher (or ESL teacher) what type of
accomodations/modifications they have to make for the ELL
student(s). Please describe the types of
accomodations/modifications that were discussed. Do they
appear on the checklist? Why/why not do you think they are
present/not present on the checklist?
I watched a youtube video, so I was unable to ask anything
to the teacher. The modifications I found in the video
included short asignments, simplified language andrate of
speech, frequently monitored for comprehension, individual
student comprehension, directly taught vocab words, allow
students to express key terms in their own language, seated
in close proximity of teacher, manipulatives, small coop
groups, visual cues.
It is safe to say that they went above and beyond to make
sure the students were given any and every accomodation



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