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ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

Unit B: Stay Healthy With The Usage Of Questions

Shahlaa Dashti

Professor: Gides, John

October 27, 2015

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student is a low intermediate course
that students take after they have passed a pre-requisite of a Listening and Speaking HighBeginner one. These courses are taken place at the University of California Los Angeles
(UCLA), specifically in the ESL Program. The course emphasis on reading,
and writing skills preparing the students for an academic University level
English where they will be using that level in the future. As well as it puts its
emphasis on speaking and communicating preparing them for an upcoming
High Intermediate course.
The ESL 206 is a class with mostly ten graduate students and eight
undergraduates which counts to eighteen students. Students' majors
include chemical engineering, computer science, electrical engineering,







Journalism. They come from China, Kuwait, Japan, Turkey, Russia, Germany
and Saudi Arabia. These students are registered at UCLA, but they have to
undergo the steps in taking English Language courses from a beginner
level , low-intermediate, to a high-intermediate level which is a course taken
after this course. They have to pass them to continue their degree or they
lose their opportunity to pursue their degree at UCLA. The course is 8 week
in length of time and meets every day accept for Thursday for an hour and
forty minutes, from 4:00 PM to 5:40 PM.
Furthermore, learners attending this course will move on to the highintermediate level which will focus on a deeper level of writing and
communication skill. Yet that course will be four weeks instead of eight and

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

by that students will be fully prepared to continue and pursue their degree
at UCLA using everything they have learned in which they would use
grammar and vocabulary and apply it in an appropriate manner. Use a high
proficiency in reading and writing as the course continues. Moreover, the
ability to read long texts at a higher level to enrich their English language,
and use a great amount of grammar daily of the language which will bring
accuracy to their usage of the language itself. The course introduces
grammar and vocabulary in a heavy matter yet with many practices that will
develop their information about the language.
Unit B is instructed during the fifth week, right after the midterm week
of instruction of the eight week sessions. It centers on vocabulary, grammar
within the skills of reading and writing. Besides that it focuses precisely on
the different types of Questions given in English and they are : Tag
Questions, Forms of Yes/No and Information Questions, Question Words, and
Short Yes/No Questions. The unit lay emphasis on the usage of these
questions and the capacity in using them as a daily use. Unit B also engage
learners by using age related subject such as staying healthy and that is
created by the instructor to combine grammar and vocabulary in a more
creative environment to abstract an effective way in learning. The lesson
introduced in the Unit are connected which create a road map for the
learner where learning becomes easier to acknowledge. Every lesson in the
unit include a goal with objectives that meet the learners outcome.
Goals and Objectives
Lesson One

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

Goal: Enrich their English vocabulary based on long text, and develop their
speaking, and grammatical skills in Tag Questions.
-Students will be able to recognize grammatical structures in order to
understand the context.
-Students will be able to practice questions and answers in a socially
appropriate manner.
-Students will be able to grasp pre-taught vocabulary or new ones related to
Staying Healthy.
Lesson Two
Goal: Have a proper understanding of the use of yes/no and information
questions and increase the vocabulary meaning information related to
Staying Healthy.
1-Students will be able to be use grammatical structures in order to
2-Students will be able to practice questions and answers in a socially
appropriate manner.
3-Students will be able to define pre-taught vocabulary.
4-Students will be able to acknowledge life product things.
5-Students will be able to apply yes/no and information questions.
Lesson Three
Goal: : Provide students with good amount of exercises to be able and use
Question Words easily and increase their reading and writing Skills.

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

1-Students will be able to be use grammatical structures in order to
2-Students will be able to practice questions and answers in a socially
appropriate manner.
3-Students will be able to communicate in partnership.
4-Students will be able to recognize Question Words questions.
Lesson Four
Goal: Assess the students on all the Question Grammatical Structure and the
Vocabulary to attain the use of them in complete.

-Students will recognize grammatical structures in order to understand the

-Students will be able to familiarize with vocabulary related to the subject of
Staying healthy.
-Students will be able to write down answers to questions.
-Students will be able to reach assessment needs using previously taught
grammatical structures.
- Students will be able to reach assessment needs using previously taught
Reading and Writing Instruction
The materials chosen for the unit varied to cover all the students need
and engage students. The use of the workbook was only to illustrate the

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

types of Grammar used such as the different types of Questions. It shows a
clear picture with grammar chart that enlightens students with the
grammatical structure. The book is named English Grammar (Azar, Hagen,
2009) which is used throughout the course for the grammar. Yet this
particular Unit didnt have exercises in the book, so the instructor had
created handouts for the students to work on.
The vocabulary in this course should always be provided from an
outside material, thus the instructor used articles, but kept them within one
category in which Stay Healthy to learn within a related sequence
structure in which the ease in acquiring the knowledge will provide a good
understanding of the subject and the closeness of the words can stick in the
students minds faster. Reading materials were given as articles to students
and they were appropriate for the course level, and even if some of the
words were hard the students were able to work on the article for two days
and for homework which keeps the information stored in the brain.
Writing materials were handouts made by the instructor since this Unit had
no exercises in the provided course book. This way the learning pedagogy
was more interesting because it was different from their used daily
Besides that the instructor used cards, ball and objects to create a
different atmosphere and change the environment of the class in which
students can enjoy within the learning process.

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

The methods used through the lessons are mostly the Direct method
where there is lots of oral communication as the teacher explained a lot of
the grammar and as the students communicated with each other, and the
instruction was conducted exclusively in the L2. ( Brown, Lee, 2015) The
lesson was taught in a small classroom and the methodology consisted
mainly of modeling and practice (Brown, Lee, 2015). Everyday easy
vocabulary was used, yet students had to do their homework to avoid the
difficulty of understanding. Besides that grammar was taught inductively
(Brown, Lee, 2015).. I could also touch on the Silent method in which in
Appendice B lesson Plan Two, where the student took the role of the
instructor and instructed the lesson by asking and answering a given
Moreover, looking at the theories that might be used in the
methodology of the unit, the instructor may have used Ullmans theory in
Indirect UG Access, in which some sort of grammar instruction is used and
that is shown in (Appendices C through F).There is a lot of Cooperative
Learner method which is a lot of group work and cooperation going on
amongst the students (
Integration of Reading and Writing
Reading was given in early lesson plans of the unit, in which students had to
read articles and take in many vocabulary words that was already given in
previous lessons, yet the reading comes in afterwards. In the lessons writing
accompanied reading . For example in APPENDIX D the vocabulary exercise
was reading words and writing them under the correct picture.

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

Then for introducing the new vocabulary students had to write down the
word as the instructor shows an example on cards and while writing it down.
And that is, in Lesson three in APPENDIX E cards. The handouts given to the
students were a huge example of reading and writing. For example in
APPENDIX F, a handout was given with the definition of words and students
had to write the lexical item related to it. The correlation between the two
sets a higher outcome from the students in which they will comprehend
more information. Yet since the subject is new and not many exercises were
given in the workbook, yet the instructor provided as many handouts as
possible to integrate between the two skills. When the two skills integrate in
prepares the students to finish the Unit in a great amount of information and
practices that would allow them to use that outside and strengthen their
English Language.
One assessment is given by the end of the Unit to determine whether
the students have understood the material and it is not very long, because it
is on the same week of the time in which the material was given. The
Assessment is formal and the students have to prepare to study for it before
hand. The assessment is given on the fourth lesson plan on APPENDIX B and
it is related to the material given throughout the unit. The students will
again incorporate they reading and writing skills as they complete the
assessment , yet a higher perspective for writing a paragraph is expected
from the student. The assessment focuses more on writing since the
students is familiar with reading, then they will be familiar with writing the

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

correct correspondent answer. A rubric is shown in APPENDIX G in which the
students are expected to answer correct or incorrect answers on the first
part of the assessment and the test is evaluated for the writing as it is
shown clearly on the chart given. The letter grade is assigned as it is also
shown in APPENDIX G and students are expected to answer correctly by the
end of the unit since it covered all the points needed to be covered and in

Azar, B.S, Hagen. S. A, 2009. Understand and Using English Grammar.
United States of America : Pearson Longman.

Chalene, Johnson. (2015, May, 25). 10 Eating Habits of the Highly Successful
and Fit. Retrieved from:

VanPatten. B, Williams. J, 2015. Theories in Second Language Acquisition: An

Introduction. New York : Taylor and Francis

Health Discovery Network (2014). Why is Exercise Important?. Retrieved


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student ( 2010, February, 10). Tag Questions. Retrieved from:



Weekly Unit Plan

Lesson Plans one to four
Materials Given on Lesson
Materials Given on Lesson
Materials Given on Lesson
Materials Given on Lesson
Assessment Rubric




ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student


University of California, Los Angeles ( ESL Program)
Professor: Shahlaa Dashti
Date: February 22, 2016
Class: Low Intermediate Level -ESL 206 Time: 4:00 pm-5:40 pm
Materials: Handouts, Whiteboard , PowerPoint, Article, Bell, Workbook
1-GOALS: Enrich their English vocabulary based on long text, and develop their
speaking, and grammatical skills in Tag Questions.
-Students will be able to recognize grammatical structures in order to understand
the context.
-Students will be able to practice questions and answers in a socially appropriate
-Students will be able to grasp pre-taught vocabulary or new ones related to
Staying Healthy.
3-Teaching Procedures
Greet the class and take role.
Warming up:
Review last class information by asking students questions orally as they
give examples of previously taught structure.
Vocabulary Steps:
a)Give students an article out of an online magazine in relation to healthy
habits and let them work as a group to circle some pre-taught vocabulary
and underlining other vocabulary they couldnt understand.
b)Time the students with a Bell.
c)Announce that the lexical items they didnt understand as homework
assignment in which they will find their meaning for next class to review
upon and write it on the corner of the whiteboard.
d)Go over the pre-taught vocabulary by discussing it with the groups and
Introduce two words as a new vocabulary using an example. Use the
words in a good sentence by selecting one person from each group.
Grammar Steps:
a) Present Tag Questions on the PowerPoint by showing the different



ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

kinds it be presented such as Positive statement, Negative Tag, or
Negative Statement, Positive Tag with presenting 5 examples of each.
Students will have their workbooks open on Page 446 to have a clear
illustration of the grammar explained.
b)Put the students in groups.
c)Use the questions to ask and answer questions amongst each other.



Handout B1

d)Ask some student in each group to use few examples in front of

the classroom and then let the students work individually.
Practical Steps:

-Give students a handout and let them find some synonyms with pretaught vocabulary to the underlined words within the paragraph. The
students must work and collaborate as groups.
-Use Tag Questions in a game and students have to play Jeopardy for
fun (no money used) in groups to ask and answer questions within each
other and they have to get the answer correct in less than one minute. As
the group choose an amount they will get a Tag Question from the teacher
orally and then the total will be counted as the teacher will count the
scores on the last slide of the PowerPoint. The last 3 minutes the Scores
are counted and a winner will be announced.




Article from womens health magazine:

Successfully fit people are successful not because of good luck, birth order, or family
heritage but because they have adopted the right habits. They do things differently than
the rest.
To be a successful person, you must adopt the habits of success.
Stephen Covey's theories on learning from the habits of successful people in his
book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People suggest that by emulating the habits
of successful people, anyone can enjoy the life he or she desires. Learn the habits, adopt
the habits, practice the habits, enjoy the success. It really is that basic. Here, excerpted
from Push by Chalene Johnson, the 10 eating habits of successfully fit people.
1. They Tend to Stick to the Same "Daily Menu"
The majority of fit people say they eat virtually the same meals every day, mostly the
same breakfast, same lunch, same dinner, and when it comes to snacks and

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

beverages . . . well, you guessed it, very predictable food. To clarify, they did not suggest
that they eat exactly the same entree for every meal, but they often chose from three,
maybe four things that they like for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
There are three possible reasons behind this shared habit among fitness professionals,
individuals who have succeeded at taking off 100-plus pounds and keeping it off for
years, and those who have been trim all their lives.
First, it allows "careful" eaters to predict their daily calorie allotment without much
effort. Second, perhaps the most fit among us are entrenched in habit, including the
habit of taste. Third, effortlessly fit folks are in tune with the energy and calorie needs
of their bodies. When they find foods that deliver what they need and that they enjoy,
why look further? Keep in mind, there's a fine line between careful eating and
disordered eating. The careful eater's diet is a habit and not a matter of control or
2. They Eat Breakfast
This one common characteristic is nearly universal in statistical studies of people who
have achieved and maintained a large weight loss. Eighty percent of those who have
been able to maintain a weight loss of at least 30 pounds for at least a year report that
they always eat breakfast. Research has consistently shown that the people who
successfully lose weight are the ones that wake up and eat! Furthermore, people who
eat breakfast regularly have better vitamin and mineral status and eat fewer calories
from fat. Experts agree that the majority of people who struggle with overeating are
those who under eat during the first part of the day, specifically those who skip
breakfast. So it seems that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!
Why does eating breakfast help people lose and ultimately maintain a healthier weight?
One theory suggests that eating a healthy breakfast reduces hunger throughout the rest
of the day, therefore decreasing the likelihood of overeating and making poor food
choices at lunch.
3. They Drink Water
Not soda. Not iced tea. Just plain old water. This is the biggie. Drinking enough water is
a vital part of any conditioning program because it keeps your body functioning in
homeostasis and aids every aspect of bodily function. Highly successful fit people drink

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

at least six to eight 12-ounce glasses of water a day, plus more as needed
during exercise. Note: It's possible to drink too much water, which dilutes the body's
electrolytes (potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium). Don't drink more than a gallon
a day unless you're also replenishing your electrolytes.
4. They Eat SmallAnd Often
Most people know that small, frequent meals are absolutely the only way to go. Why? Because
when we go longer than 3 hours without eating, our levels of the stress hormone cortisol rise.
And high cortisol levels signal the body to store fat in the abdominal region. Keep in mind too
that people who skip meals have the highest cortisol levels of all!

Eating small meals more often reduces cortisol levels, research suggests. In a study
published in the New England Journal of Medicine, people who ate six small meals a
day for 2 weeks, as opposed to three large meals containing the same total number of
calories, reduced their cortisol levels by more than 17 percent! They lost belly fat, too.
When you eat small, frequent meals long term, the body becomes efficient at keeping
cortisol levels low, which helps both men and women reduce belly fat.
Eating throughout the day also makes you less tempted by the monster-size buckets of
popcorn and supersize fries and drink containers that include triple and quadruple
servings. Guided by their nutritional needs and deeply rooted habit to eat small meals
throughout the day, the superfit stand steadfast, even in the face of a delicious, jumbo
chocolate-chip muffin.
5. They Eat Whole Foods First
Successful fit people tend to eat mainly whole, unprocessed foods, including fruits, veggies, and
whole grains (and products made from whole grains). Certainly they enjoy the occasional treat,
but 80 percent of the time or more, their preference leads to whole foods.

Whole, natural foodsapples, steel-cut oatmeal, broccoli, salads, brown riceare what
food researchers call low-density foods. That is, they take up a lot of room in your
stomach because they contain lots of fiber, which satisfies hunger with few calories.
High-density foods are the opposite; they are things like butter, oils, candy, or ice
cream. Think about how much frosting you could pack into your stomach if you really
tried. (Okay, don't think about itit's too gross.) Eating mostly low-density foods is the

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

easiest way to keep your weight in check without feeling hungry or like youre depriving
6. They Know Their Foods
This characteristic is truly universal among fit people: They know, generally speaking, every
food's calories and approximate protein, carbohydrate, and fat content. It's not a case of being
idiot savants but rather of having an understanding, a knowledge of food that allows them to
make an educated guess. Their assumptions are almost always spot-on. This gift affords them
the skill of making better food choices on a moments notice.

Just as important: They know what one serving of said food really looks like. You can
show an effortlessly fit person a whole grain cracker, and even without looking at the
label, he or she can accurately predict how many crackers count as one serving. Its not
a gift, actually. It's a skill, and all habits are skills you can master.
This skill is easier to acquire than it sounds. A couple of weeks of label reading is all it
takes. There are even apps for your phone and Web sites that provide this information
quickly and for free.
7. They Eat Their Favorite FoodsCarefully
Despite knowing everything about their foods and tending to stick to the same foods
day in and day out, fit people rarely report eliminating foods. If it's something they
crave, they enjoy a little taste. They know that simply eliminating foods they absolutely
love will only set them up to fail when the temptation is too great. Instead, successfully
fit people know that it's okay to indulge every once in a while. They savor those
moments instead of sucking down the food as if theyre afraid it's the only time they'll
ever see it again.
8. They Don't Keep Red Zone Food in the House
If you look in a successfully fit person's fridge, pantry, or cupboards, you won't typically
find cookies, crackers, chips, chocolate, full-fat ice cream, or soda. Why? Because they
don't crave these things. They also know you can't eat em if you dont have 'em. Smart,


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

What's interesting about these trim types is that they don't have the same inner battle
of healthy versus junkie foods that the average person who struggles with weight might
have. They can walk past the aisle with chips and sodas and think nothing of it. Either
they never developed the junk food habit or they kicked it.
9. They Close the Kitchen after Dinner
Unlike most Americans, successfully fit people eat their final meal at a reasonable hour,
as opposed to eating dinner followed by a lavish 10:00 p.m. snack and another dessert.
Most often they go to sleep, not hungry, but on an empty stomach. This allows them to
wake up feeling thin, rested, and hungry for breakfast. It may take a little effort, but
going to bed earlier and going to sleep without food awaiting digestion in your stomach
keeps your bodys metabolism in a fat-burning state. Instead of digesting, which causes
restless sleep, your body can focus on other thingslike repairing cells!
10. They're Resourceful and Politely Picky at Restaurants
Successfully fit people find healthful alternatives to selections on any menu, from a five-star
restaurant's to Wendy's. They know that it's the food choices, not necessarily the restaurant
choices, that help them to stay slim and healthy.

They generally steer clear of fried meat, poultry, and fish. Instead, they order their
protein broiled, steamed, stir-fried, or poached. They also speak up in restaurants,
politely making special requests like asking that their dish be prepared with little or no
butter or sauces and with dressings on the side.

The PowerPoint Slides Lesson 1

Slide 1


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

Slide 2

Slide 3

For slide 3 the teacher will put a box at the amount the students choose
just to make the game more interesting and cover it as the students
continue playing.

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

Slide 4



ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

APPENDIX C - Handout B1
Sara learned Chinese in schools when her father was offered a job in China.
She adapted to the Chinese culture very quickly and enjoyed the experience she
had there for eight years. She tried all different kinds of food, and made friends
easily. She liked to test herself and try something new every day in that country.
They lived in a quiet neighborhood and it was close in the British embassy which
where she is originally from.
Charlie also knew how to speak Chinese yet he educated himself with the
Chinese language by reading translation books. Charlie lived in Britain and there
were Chinese institutions that Chinese language was accessible, yet he wanted to
challenge himself. He went to a British school that was in the city district, yet it was
a very good school. They gave second language classes, but they didnt give
Chinese language. Charlie was interested in Chinese so he learned it himself
effortlessly, and by that he didnt only learn the language he also learned its


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

APPENDIX B: Lesson Plan Two

University of California, Los Angeles (ESL Program)
Professor: Shahlaa Dashti
Date: February 23, 2016
Class: Low Intermediate Level -ESL 206 Time: 4:00 pm-5:40 pm
Materials: Cards, Handouts, Whiteboard , Toys, Article, Workbook

1-GOALS: Have a proper understanding of the use of yes/no and

information questions and increase the vocabulary meaning information
related to Staying Healthy.
-Students will be able to be use grammatical structures in order to
-Students will be able to practice questions and answers in a socially
appropriate manner.
-Students will be able to define pre-taught vocabulary.
-Students will be able to acknowledge life product things.
-Students will be able to apply yes/no and information questions.
3-Teaching Procedures
Greet the class and take role.
Warming up:
a)Review last class information by giving the four different groups a
card that has a question on it.
b)Each group has to read the card out loud then say if its a tag
question or not. If it is, then they have to choose a person from
another group to answer the tag question.
Vocabulary Steps:
a)Students are divided in four groups. Two groups of four and two
groups of five. After that, they have to discuss the definitions they
have searched for the words as homework in the previous lesson.
b)Discuss with the students the meanings of the words and writes a
proper definition on the white board .
c)Give out give out a handout with pictures as the students will use
the correct definition of words from the last class article under the
correct picture. They will be given each a paper but they will work
together as a group.
d)Two students will come up to the classroom taking turns and role
play as the teacher to ask about the pictures in the handout. The
student has to pick an individual from a different group each time to
Grammar Steps:
a) The teacher will present Forms of yes/no and information









ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

questions by using a chart in the workbook for the students which
explains it clearly and clarify it more on the white board.
Practical Steps:
b)The teacher will give each student a toy food items and some are
healthy, some are unhealthy. The teacher will pick different student
in every group and they will stand up and ask another member of a
different group any question related to their food item. The other
student has to answer with a yes/ no.
-The teacher will give the students a handout with questions and the
students will write yes/no in the answers in applicable. If not they
have to use the inapplicable sign. The teacher will review the
answers with the students.






Handout B2
Unit B: Stay Healthy With The Usage Of Questions

Review the Article that you had to read for homework about the Ten Eating
Habits of Successfully Fit People. Then look at the pictures below and write
the correct vocabulary under the picture that is related to it . A Chart is
given to help you figure out the words but there are more words than the
pictures below!











ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student






Handout B3
Unit B: Stay Healthy With The Usage Of Questions

Identify the following questions by writing if they were Yes/No questions or
Information Questions.
If not applicable of both, use the following symbol.

1- Does your mother eat healthy food?__________________________________________

2- Where does she come from?________________________________________________
3- He lives in Korea
4- Do you like to exercise every day?
5- Who lives close to the Gym?
6- When did they arrive?
7- Could she eat pizza every week and stay healthy?
8- What made you leave the classroom early yesterday?____________________________
9- Is he from Brazil?
10- Where do they live?_______________________________________________________

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

11- Where was Jamie last week?________________________________________________
12- Is that man her father?____________________________________________________
13- He cant go out tonight, can he?_____________________________________________
14- Where have they lived in the past ten years?___________________________________
15- He comes from

APPENDIX D : Workbook


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

Cards used in the Warming Up Procedure:
Group 1

Group 24

This is your
isnt it? have you?

hour and
forty minutes?


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student


University of California, Los Angeles (ESL Program)
Professor: Shahlaa Dashti
Date: February 24, 2016
Class: Low Intermediate Level -ESL 206 Time: 4:00 pm-5:40 pm
Materials: Article, Pictures, Whiteboard, Cards, Handouts, Ball, Cards

1-GOALS: Provide students with good amount of exercises to be able and

use Question Words easily and increase their reading and writing Skills.

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

-Students will be able
-Students will be able
appropriate manner.
-Students will be able
-Students will be able

to be use grammatical structures in order to

to practice questions and answers in a socially
to communicate in partnership.
to recognize Question Words questions.

3-Teaching Procedures
Greet the class and take role.
Warming up:
a)Review last class lesson by asking all the students to stand up
and in order for them to sit down they have to form any Yes/No
or Information Question and say it out loud. The group members
have to agree or disagree if its correct or not.
Vocabulary Steps:
a)Look at a new article about exercise and read it.
c)Introduce three words in the articles using pictures and
example orally and she will write the definitions and ask the
students to write it down .
d)Ask the students to do drilling as a group for the words as she
says them then individually.
c)Students will take the rest of the article for homework and
write the main ideas of each paragraph using vocabulary words
in the article.
Grammar Steps:
a) Present Question Words by giving two cards for each groups
which include when, where, why, how, who, and whom.
b)Write questions on the board using those words and explain
briefly what each one stand for while students look at the
associated chart in the workbook.
c)A handout will be given for the students with questions in
which Question Words are used and they have to work as a pair
and interview each other.
Practical Steps:
- Write 7 questions on the White board using the Question Words.
-Play an Action game in which the teacher will use a ball and will
throw it to a student and ask a question, where the student
should answer. The student will answer and throw it to another
student and ask a question in which the other student will
answer and so on.
-Give the students a handout with questions and the beginning
of the question is empty in which will have to be filled by a one
of the Question Words. Students may work together as a group.
Go over the answers.














ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

Appendix E

Why is Exercise Important?

Have you ever heard the expression "use it or lose it"? It's true! If you don't use your body,
you will surely lose it. Your muscles will become flabby and weak. Your heart and lungs
won't function efficiently. And your joints will be stiff and easily injured. Inactivity is as
much of a health risk as smoking!

Helps Prevent Diseases

Our bodies were meant to move -- they actually crave exercise. Regular exercise is
necessary for physical fitness and good health. It reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer,
high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases. It can improve your appearance and
delay the aging process.

Improves Stamina
When you exercise, your body uses energy to keep going. Aerobic exercise involves
continuous and rhythmic physical motion, such as walking and bicycling. It improves your
stamina by training your body to become more efficient and use less energy for the same
amount of work. As your conditioning level improves, your heart rate and breathing rate
return to resting levels much sooner from strenuous activity.

Strengthens and Tones

Exercising with weights and other forms of resistance training develops your muscles,
bones and ligaments for increased strength and endurance. Your posture can be improved,
and your muscles become more firm and toned. You not only feel better, but you look
better, too!

Enhances Flexibility
Stretching exercises are also important for good posture. They keep your body limber so
that you can bend, reach and twist. Improving your flexibility through exercise reduces the
chance of injury and improves balance and coordination. If you have stiff, tense areas, such
as the upper back or neck, performing specific stretches can help "loosen" those muscles,
helping you feel more relaxed.

Controls Weight
Exercise is also a key to weight control because it burns calories. If you burn off more
calories than you take in, you lose weight. It's as simple as that.

Improves Quality of Life

Once you begin to exercise regularly, you will discover many more reasons why exercise is
so important to improving the quality of your life. Exercise reduces stress, lifts moods, and
helps you sleep better. It can keep you looking and feeling younger throughout your entire


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

How Often Should I Exercise?

The benefits of any exercise program will diminish if it's disrupted too frequently. A "stopstart" routine is not only ineffective, but can cause injuries. Being consistent with exercise,
therefore, is probably the most important factor in achieving desired results.
People often assume that more is better. Wrong! Doing too much too soon or performing
intense exercises on a daily basis will have deleterious effects, such as muscle/tendon
strains, loss of lean tissue, and fitness-level plateaus.

If you are a beginner, start off slower than you think you should. Three days per week is
realistic, safe and effective. If you are experienced, do cardiovascular (aerobic) exercises
such as walking, jogging and bicycling for no more than 200 minutes per week with no
more than 60 minutes per session.

Lifting Weights
Weight training should be done no more than three times per week targeting the same
muscle groups. Exercise the same muscle groups on non-consecutive days because
muscles need adequate time to recover and cannot be effectively trained if they are tired or

Many people forget to stretch or make the excuse that they don't have the time. Flexibility
is important, so make the time! Stretching can be done every day, but stick to a minimum
of three times per week in order to reap the benefits. When the body is warmed up, such
as after a workout session, perform five to 10 stretches that target the major muscle
groups. Hold each stretch for 10-30 seconds.


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

Cards used for words





ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

Handout B4
Lets Talk: Interview your friend!
Ask your classmate the following questions using the question words ( who,
what, when, how, why, where, whom, and whose):
1- Who is your favorite athlete player?
2- What is your favorite food?
3- When is your birthday?
4- Why are you studying in UCLA?
5- Where do you go in the weekend?
6- Whom should you visit if you are sick?
7- Whose desk is that?
8- How many times do you exercise?
Handout B5
Name:_____________________ GROUP:______
Fill in the blanks with the correct Question words:
1-___________did you arrive?
2-___________much does the green apple cost?
3-__________did you meet?
4-___________did you stop eating healthy meals.
5- ___________will you go to the gym?
6-_____________does he look very fit?
7-_____________bag is it? Its colorful.
8-_____________wants to start a healthy diet with me?
9-____________did you eat for breakfast?
10-_____________can I find the veggies?
11-To____________should I talk?
12-______________arent you wearing a training suit.
13-______________is going to jog tonight?
14-______________will they come for dinner?
15-______________can lose weight in one week?

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student



ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

University of California, Los Angeles ( ESL Program)
Professor: Shahlaa Dashti
Date: Feb 26, 2016
Class: Low Intermediate Level -ESL 206 Time: 4:00 pm-5:40 pm
Materials: Handouts, White Board, PowerPoint, Assessment
1-GOALS: Assess the students on all the Question Grammatical Structure and the
Vocabulary to attain the use of them in complete.
-Students will recognize grammatical structures in order to understand the context.
-Students will be able to familiarize with vocabulary related to the subject of
Staying healthy.
-Students will be able to write down answers to questions.
-Students will be able to reach assessment needs using previously taught
grammatical structures.
- Students will be able to reach assessment needs using previously taught
3-Teaching Procedures
Greet the class and take role.
Warming up:
a -Review the last class information by giving each group a
small paper that is folded and inside there is a Question
Word .
b-Students will use the Question Words to Ask Each other in
the groups by opening the paper and creating a question.
The other student must answer and then ask the question
Vocabulary Steps:
a)Review the vocabulary words by giving the students a
handout with five definitions in which they have to write the
correct word besides the definition. Students can team up
with their groups for this exercise.
b)Time the students with the Bell.
c) Discuss the meaning of each word with the students
after they have completed the handout.
Handout B7
Grammar Steps:
a)Match the Questions with their correct form in another
handout the teacher will give out.
b)Introduce Short Yes/No Questions by using the Workbook
and the Whiteboard.
-Assess the students on previously taught structures in
relation to Questions.
10 minute Break
-Asses the students on previously taught vocabulary in
relation to Staying Healthy.

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

-Assign a homework in which students should search the
internet about their cultures and bring hard copies for next

Handout B6


With your group choose the correct vocabulary.

performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the leastwaste of
time and effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill,
and industry; competent; capable (Dictionary, 2015).
In a good physical condition; in a good physical health (Dictionary, 2015).
to make (a person) fit by proper exercise, diet, practice, etc., as for an
athletic performance (Dictionary, 2015)
repeated performance or systematic exercise for the purpose of
acquiring skill or proficiency. (Dictionary, 2015)
to draw out or extend (oneself, a body, limbs, wings, etc.) to the full length
or extent (often followed by out).(Dictionary, 2015)


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

Handout B7
ESL 206: Unit B: Stay Healthy With The Usage Of Questions

Lets Read!
Match each question with its correct form of question. Can you figure it out?

1-Does she eat a healthy meal to keep fit?

2-Who wants to come with me?
3-She is with us when we practice our exercise, isnt she?
4-Going to work now?
5-How far do you walk every Sunday?
6-What kind of food do you like?

Shortened Yes/No

Question Words

Form Yes/No

Tag Questions



ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student



ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

APPENDIX FAssessment 1

ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student



ESL 206: Unit B: Stay Healthy With The Usage Of Questions

A)Answer the following questions using the appropriate response:
1. Will he go to Kuwait? Yes,_______________
2. Do you eat a healthy meal at dinner? Yes,_________________
3. Does she have a sister? No,_____________________
4-Can you swim in the shallow water? No,______________
B)Write down the correct Question Word for the questions below using
the question words in the box:
1-____________do you need to stay fit?
2-____________resteraunt did you go to, on the weekend?
3-___________came to visit.
4-___________ University do you study in?
5-____________did you go with?
C)Circle the Shortened Question in the following conversation:
Angelina: Thats your book, isnt it?
Molly: Yes it is. Thank you for reminding me.
Angelina: Good. I wanted to ask you, coming to the concert tonight?
Molly: I cant. My father invited me to join him on a Thanksgiving vacation.
Angelina Oh, no problem. Next time
D)Write two questions using any kind of questions you have taken and
beside it specify its kind:


ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

APPENDIX E-Assessment 2

From the given vocabulary. Use at least four in a paragraph about healthy








ESL 206: Vocabulary and Grammar For the ESL Student

Rubric for Assessments
Assessment 1

Possible Points

Actual Points

Possible Points

Actual Points

Assessment 2
Rubric for Paragraph
The information is relevant and neatly
The use of four vocabulary words correctly in
the paragraph.
The vocabulary words show are used
accurately in terms of meaning in the
The grammar used in the paragraph is well.
The paragraph is well written and in a college



Final Letter Grade for the Assessment:

18 D

40- 38 A15 D-











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