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between the
Test Tubes
Cultural Communication of

Report By:
Andromeda M. Neilson

Table of Contents

Professional Communication
Personal Communication



The purpose of this report is to offer a glimpse on the communication of a
Medical Laboratory Technologist/Medical Technologist.
Through-out my
interviews; it has come to me that communication varies between personal
and professional contact. Also, depending on what is received from
communication, our reactions to these determine the performances of our
position. My research plan is broken into five parts: Developing an evaluation
plan, researching my topic, distinguish between information Ive researched,
interviewing individuals in the profession, and formulating a bases that gives
the reader a clear understanding of my research. From the research that Ive
performed, I was able to come up with questions that revolved around the
ideas and expressions that an MLT/MT portrays when communicating among
other individuals professionally or personally. The results from my research
show that the communication within my lab consists of multiple variations of
styles depending on the context and purpose of the message. Rather its
verbal, emailed, or written; our approach changes as we express the
situation that is at hand. Also from these results, I was able to distinguish
what is the dos and donts that help differentiate the ideas of what is
professional and nonprofessional. Because of this, I came to a conclusion
that your attitude and understanding towards work and your peers
influences a great deal too how you communicate. Despite your position or
rank, your mood can help or distract the attention you give to the work
around and amongst yourself. I also would like to add that as an MLT/MT you
are encouraged to have a positive outlook on the work you do knowing the
circumstances you face every day at your work. It would help to make sure
you are prepared to learn at a fast pace and have an educational background
that contributes to your cognition of this profession. I recommend that
anyone pursuing an education to become a MLT/MT should take into
consideration the responsibility and performances they must maintain while
holding this position, the possible situations that they could run into rather
good or bad, and the approach one must take while communicating with
others professionally and personally.

On August 30th, I was assigned by Elisa Stone to pick a topic for my first
project in Technical writing. I decided to write a report on the cultural
communication performed by an MLT/MT. The purpose of this report is to
inform you on the dynamics and expectations signified for context in this
profession. In other words, the reader is going to see a preview of the
different habits of communication a MLT/MT does within the lab and
Throughout my interviews, I learned the importance of communication as an
MLT/MT. What you say doesnt just effect your lab; it effects the company and
your personal life, too. What you do and say designs a cultural connection
amongst others and yourself. As a MLT/MT you interact with coworkers
everyday by transmitting data, results, and research that youve preformed
and/or verified. Also, depending on what happens on your shift; it could
influence how you talk and act towards others even if youre not specifically
talking about your work. In the lab youre using different procedures and
terminology all the time. Recognizing when to use these measures requires
concentration and responsibility. When I chose this as a future profession I
had to consider what styles, content, and formats Ill be using when
communicating with coworkers, students there for internships, and
acquaintances I will meet in and outside of the company.
This report will have other units which are: a research plan, result from my
research, an analysis of my results, and recommendations for this profession.

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