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Dear White People Analysis


a. Background info and Synopsis
b. Thesis Wielding sound, editing, and images as a weapon of rhetoric,
Justin Simien reveals that, through stereotypes, racism is still rooted in
todays society.





One of the important ways that societys stereotypes of blacks are shown is through the
images of the film and appearances of some characters.
a. Lionel imagines himself fitting in by dressing like the typical black guy.
b. The party scene, where the white kids dress up as hood
c. Images are elements of contemporary advertising through which
assumptions about social value are constructed and responded to.
Practices of Looking
Editing also serves a purpose in portraying racism in modern culture.
a. Showing the houses and the departments Boxes
b. Adding in the photos of the actual party events during the credits
The careful selection of sound and music for each scene carries an influential role in
proving to the audience that racism still exists today.
a. Sound in the intro shows stereotype of black entertainment
b. Music at the party
c. Music at the poker table scene
d. Classical music to show prestige of the university separation between
whites and stereotypical blacks

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