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Grade Level: 10th 12th Grade

Subject: Art, 5x Day Lesson (45 min.) Prepared By: Benjamin E. Hoffman, Student Art Teacher

Painted Personalities Block Letters

Lesson Summary: Students will construct their own three dimensional letter using cardboard. In choosing the first letter of either their first of last
name, students will first design three different fonts before constructing their final letter. Students may construct their letters as wide or thin as
they would like given that it can stand on its own. Following, students will Papier Mache their letters using newspaper. Upon the completion of
this step, students will take a Personality Test. Through this, students will then have to illustrate their results as well as anything else in which they
would like to include through painting. This self-portrait activity will allow for each student to express themselves while learning about their peers.

Big Idea: Throughout time and across cultures, an artists artwork has
been no more than a representation of themselves and their interests.

Key Concepts:

Learning how to construct a free standing three dimensional form from a linear drawing.

An artists artwork is a direct representation of themselves and their personality.

Every artist has CHOICE in respect to what they wish to either include or omit in an artwork.
Essential Questions:

How does the choice of material affect an artworks presence and/or importance? Why?

How does the relationship from ones personality and what is illustrated on their letter differ?

How does the CHOICE of font and/or scale affect an artwork? Why?
Specific Objectives:

Students will construct a three dimensional letter suing cardboard.

Students will choose the first letter of either their first or last name to construct.

Students may construct their letters as wide or thin as they would like given that it can stand on its

Following a teacher led demonstration, students will Papier Mache their letters using newspaper,
glue and water. (Flour Optional)

Students will take an online Personality Test and answer the following questions:
o What was your Personality Type? Category, Title, Description
o What were THREE things that you found interesting from your Personality Type
o Do you AGREE or DISAGREE with your Personality Type? If so, WHY?

Students will then have to illustrate their results as well as anything else in which they would like
to include about themselves through painting.

Teacher Research & Preparation:

X-Acto Knives
Cutting Mats
Hot Glue Gun & Glue Sticks
Masking Tape (Various Sizes)
White Elmers Glue (Flour Optional)
Containers to mix Papier Mache
Gesso (Substitute White Acrylic Paint)
Acrylic Paint (Various Colors)
Paint Brushes (Various Sizes)

Instructional Resources:

Standards Addressed:
9.1.12.A Shape, Line, Proportion/Scale & Contrast
9.1.12.B Sculpt a Three Dimensional Letter


Students will illustrate three

preliminary drawings of the letter of
their choosing to discuss fonts.
Following a teacher led demonstration,
students would begin to construct
their three dimensional letter using

Formative Assessment:

Evaluate students interpersonal skills,

work habits & attitudes as they work.
Considering the importance of safety
when using an X-Acto Knife to cut,
students will be assessed on their
proper use of the tool and overall
craftsmanship. Additionally, students
will be assessed on their application of
Papier Mache and application of paint.


Students will share their final artwork

with one another as well as findings
from the Personality Test. An activity
to determine the Personality of each
student will act as their final
assessment upon turning in for
individual grading.

9.1.12.K Use of Technology to Advance Knowledge of Self

9.3.12.E Respond Critically & Evaluate Progress

Instructional Procedures
Motivation/Engagement/The Hook:

Every other day, students will complete a Bell Ringer which will allow
students to settle down as they enter the classroom. Examples include
drawing three additional fonts using their entire First or Last Name to
continue with the theme of Painted Personalities. This constant review
would act as a formative assessment for the teacher. Following the
completion of their initial three dimensional letters using cardboard,
students would be shown how to Papier Mache their letters using strips of
newspaper, glue and water. (Flour Optional)


Following the completion of the Papier Mached Letters, students would

complete an online Personality Test. Following, students will answer
questions pertaining to their specific Personality Type and whether or not
they agree with the results. Students will then have to paint their
personalities on top of their letter to illustrate their findings along with
anything else in which they may want to include about themselves.
Students will use proper painting techniques as shown by the teacher.


The goal of this activity is for students to construct a three dimensional

letter which will illustrate themselves in a unique way. Rather then it being
deemed a self-portrait, students will illustrate their personalities as well as
anything else in which they would like to include. An activity of guessing
each individuals Personality based on their Outer Shell so to speak will
close this lesson. Students will share with one another their findings and
pair up with anyone who may have had a similar Personality Category, Title,
etc. Students will then turn in their constructed letters for grading.
Exemplars (Reference as needed)


Papier Mache

__Student Supplies: __

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