Visual Hands On Modifications

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VISUAL HANDS-ON MODIFICATIONS 1.) Provide as much visual input as possible-videotapes, photographs, picture books, posters. 2.) Have students draw charts and graphs as a portion of the study of the information. 3.) Write notes on the board or overhead for these students to copy down. 4,)Research has demonstrated, for example, that if a faculty member allows students to consolidate their notes by pausing three times for two minutes each during a lecture, students will leam significantly more information (Ruhl, Hughes, and Schloss1987). 5.) Drama, role playing and simulations- a visual stimulus to the data, 6.) Encourage and allow students to highlight their notes. This helps the visual student register and differentiate important data from otherwise secondary information. 7.) Every once in a while, use creative visualization exercises to help students create images of their own in an attempt to foster the independent creation of images for an aid to studying later on. 8.) Encourage visual learners to use different color folders for organizing their work by subject. It might also help the visual leamer to cover his or her book with the same color book cover as he orshe has for a folder. 9.) During a test, a visual leamer might benefit from closing his or her eyes and attempted to visualize the answer in his or her head, and then opening their eyes and writing down the answer that comes to mind. 10.) it is important to remember that visual leamers sometimes need to exclude as much extraneous visual information as possible so that they can concentrate on what they are trying to visually lear. They may not always make eye contact with you. 11.) Use colored transparencies to help the visual leamer by placing them over ‘material that the student is reading. 12.) Here's an easy one-get away from using plain white paper to run your papers off. Try a buft-colored paper, like goldenrod, to run your copies on. This cuts off the glare of the lights in the room and provides more a stimulus. White is the combination of all colors and may be more distracting than say. goldenrod, which is blend of a few colors. 13.) Sometimes it is helpful for a visual leamer to be in a room with natural lighting while leaming. At certain times or days, turn the flourescents off and use the sun. 14.) For math, allow visual learners to color their multiplication problems a different color than their division problems, etc. This could also translate into types of answers they compose for questions. 115.) For the explanation of connected concepts or for brainstorming ideas, try using WEBBING or CLUSTERING 16.) Enlarge the text they are required to read. The photocopier can be a great boon to educators of visual leamers.

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