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Name: Devin Schowe Course: HLAC 1013-004

Date: December 2015

HLAC - Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Write a paragraph on each of the following:

1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this activity class?
I learned that exercising in the morning not only sets your day on a more energized
note, but also helps you gain better focus and a better attitude, as well as keeping
your body fit. I usually exercised in the evening, but would dread doing it, and not
have a great result, as my renewed vigor was wasted on the night. I also learned
many new exercises that I was previously unaware of.

2. How would you apply this information to your life?

I like the various exercises, and plan to incorporate them into my own regimen,
especially those from the circuit training-style sessions. They have greatly
improved my performance.

3. What is your intention to continue to exercise in your life and why?

I definitely plan on continuing a more highly active lifestyle, with vigorous
exercise at least twice a week, including more running/hiking in the summer and
indoor sports in the cooler months. Morning exercise does continue to benefit me,
and I will pursue new and various sports (such as yoga) to energize me in the
morning in order to enrich my day throughout.

4. General ideas for improving this course?

I like the variegation of training styles, and like the option of providing your
own playlist. A 25-day food diary is a little severe, but understandable. I
definitely dont feel like talking during the duress of exercise, so the act of
asking questions during the class seems fruitless.

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