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Shuting Hu

PRT 3207

Interview Context and Process

The interview, David Yang, is the owner of Hunan Garden in Salt Lake City, who has been in
America for almost 40 years. When David was about 19, he came to America. The first job
was washing the plates in the kitchen. The interview began at 2pm November 3, 2013 in the
lobby of Hunan Garden.

Questions and Choice Justifications

Q1: Could you tell me how long have the restaurant opened and how much employees you
Justification: To learn about the motivation of David to open the restaurant (Arnold et al, pgs.
111-118 & Hurd et al, pgs. 268-277).
Q2: What is the most skills that you required when you hiring?
Justification: Know about the recruitment and selection (Arnold et al, pgs. 75-79; 87; 99-105)
in Hunan Garden.
Q3: As this owner for this restaurant, what are the most important skills that you think you
Justification: The requirement of to be a manager. (Edgington et al, pgs. 113-116) &
(Edgington et al, pgs. 11-18).
Q4: How do you lead your teammate getting this restaurant better and what are mission, vision
and value of Hunan Garden?
Justification: The restaurant mission, vision and value and Davids manage style.
Q5: What will you do when there has big issue in your restaurant?
Justification: How to deal with the issues when employees have conflicts with customers,
other employees, or the manager. Or employees feel Discipline and Grievances (pgs.
186-199), how David will resolve it.
Q6: How do you encourage your employees with extrinsic or intrinsic rewards?
Justification: Davids manage theories, which related to Reward (intrinsic and extrinsic)
system in the restaurant.
Q7: What are your requirements for your employees?
Justification: From the question, it infers that whether David know about his employees (Hurd
et al, pgs. 95-100).

Q8: What is your disadvantage on managing?

Justification: The question shows that the manager current manages style (the KATZ Model).

Interview Question and Response

Q1: Could you tell me how long have the restaurant opened and how much employees you
A1: Its about 20 years. The first time I came to America, I did cleaning the plates, cuts and
other things in the kitchen of the restaurant. For my children and wife, I thought that I should
manage my own restaurant. At the beginning, our life was very hard; I should do everything
by myself. But, now, there are 7 full-time employees and 4 part-time employees.
Q2: What is the most skills that you required when you hiring?
A2: As long as you can work hard and do not complaint about the work, its the basic. After I
hire the employees, I will observe him, attitude, and behavior. If he always make mistake and
doesnt obey the rules, he will not able to work again.
Q3: As this owner for this restaurant, what are the most important skills that you think you
A3: I came to America in 19, I learned everything from others, if I thought it was good, I
would study it. Otherwise, I didnt. So, experiences are important for me.
Q4: How do you lead your teammate getting this restaurant better and what are mission, vision
and value of Hunan Garden?
A4: The employees I hire are all Chinese and I know their life is hard in America. If they want
to have better life in here, they have to work hard. I managed the restaurant so that I can
support the family. Our aim is to make life better. Then, my restaurant business will become
more and better. It is my mission, vision and value.
Q5: What will you do when there has big issue in your restaurant?
A5: Talk with the employees. Do not fight with other employees while working. This is the
vital rule in the restaurant. And whether you did right or wrong, customers were always right.
Customers are God. But if you have some complaint about me, talk with me.
Q6: How do you encourage your employees with extrinsic or intrinsic rewards?
A6: Money, money and money.
Q7: What are your requirements for your employees?
A7: Work hard.
Q8: What is your disadvantage on managing?
A8: I am so nice. (Laughing) No disadvantage. If the business of restaurant is well, I think my
management style is worked.

A1: Davids work motivation is money at the beginning. There are many reasons to consist of
work motivation, such as money, society, education or family and so on. And I think that
Davids work motivation in current is for helping people in America (according to A4). And I
believe that my work motivation is also money after graduated. But I think the motivation will
be changed when I worked for a long time. Family will become the first motivation for me to
A2: Davids hire method is very different. He just needs work hard and do not complaint
about the work. David has many experiences on it and he believes he does well. And David
will observe employees by behavior and attitude. It is a good way to inspect employees. Hiring
people is the most important things in the company, a well-prepared interview questions could
get much benefit for the company because they could find out the most suitable employee for
this company. The restaurant is located in Salt Lake City, it is the most advantage. There are
not many threatens (other Chinese restaurant). I think that if the restaurant located in L.A., the
method David hire people does not work because competition is very fierce.
A3: There are 6 theories of management theories. And I believe that Davids answer is not
suitable for any theories. But I think that it belongs to persuasiveness and tactfulness, which
are the trait theory; it shows that to be a good manager must have that ability. Situational
theory: in different situation, a manager has to apply different methods to resolve question.
David leads his stuff to work well in the restaurant. When David meets trouble, he will resolve
it by experiences. It shows that the manager in any situation could deal with the problems.
However, Davids method he uses that can be conducted into management theories.
A4: I think Davids mission, vision and value is not appropriate. A mission means the
restaurants reason for existence. A vision describes the restaurant as it would appear in a
future successful state. And a value describes what the restaurant believes in and how it will
behave. Davids answer just show that the mission of the restaurant. And David did not
explain the vision, like what would the restaurant look like 10 years from now or what goals
will the restaurant to achieve? In addition, a value creates a moral compass for the restaurant
and its employees. But David also did not show the restaurant value.
A5: David does very well when the issue broke up with others in the restaurant. He said that
Do not fight with other employees while working. And through the talking to let employees
express disagree. And I think that in a group or company, it is necessary for employees to obey
the rules. Rules are necessary to operate a complete system in an organization. If someone
makes mistakes in the organization, he will be punished by the rules. Even he is a manager.
On the contract, if someone performances very well, he will be prized. Rules are fair to
everyone and I think that rules are the best way in any organization. It reflects that the
discipline of manager. I am very like the style David deals with. It is really good.
A6: I do not agree with the rewards David supply. Though money is a good kind of extrinsic
reward, not all of the things can be rewards by money. There are some advantages for intrinsic

rewards, such as sense of progress. It encourages employees accomplish something. Their

work is moving in the right direction. And employees get confidence and pride for the future.
When employees got high quality work, they will work harder than before. Employees pay
attention on aim with fully time and energy. Intrinsic rewards could improve the quality of
work. And there are also some other extrinsic rewards like traveling, skiing and free health
A7: Davids requirements for the employee are too easy. Just work harder. Actually, the
employees should obey some rules the restaurant order, they must have work in a formal
organization. However, employees will break the rules and they are as an informal
organization. Such as go to work very late or leave company ahead time. I worked in a
restaurant before in China. Everyone works with smile and respect each customer. I learned a
lot from the restaurant manager, endure anything if I do not like it and do not express my bad
emotion easily. But the most important I learned is self management, I could manage myself
very well in any situation. I think that David should have some requirements for the
employees then they can learn lots from it.
A8: I think that the biggest disadvantage on management of David is that he is too nice; he
uses much human skill management during the work. During I interview the David, suddenly,
stuff broke a plate, however, David did not blame to him, even though say anything as if there
was nothing to happen. After that, others told me that the stuff always broken plates. David
does well on a role of a friend, but he should be a perfect mixture of a boss and a friend. He
should be strict to the employees.

Exploration of Learning and Future Application

Through the interview, I learned a lot from the David. David is a good manager though he
does not know or obey the manage theories and other theories. But he has his own methods to
run the restaurant and it works very well. The most important point I learned from David was
respect and kind to each one.
From the semester and interview, I learned and relearned some acknowledge that I will
continue to learn in the future. They are Management Theories; Katz Model; vision, mission,
and value of an organization; organization structure; work motivation; two rewards: intrinsic
and extrinsic; and discipline and grievances.
If I work in the future, the first thing for me is to manage my financial, to plan how to use
money well in a month and to avoid waste money. Moreover, if I have conflict with others in
the work, I can talk with them to express my opinion and listen to their views, the issue will be
deal with by the talking. In addition, I can use the basic function of management such as
organization and management to plan the activities and use of learned about how to realize the
effective communication of management to overcome communication barriers and other
issues. And there are many examples of management in the life. When I eat, study and live,
they are all connect with the management. The food, I will think about how much money I
have and what the price is in different place like the restaurant and food market. Then I will
choose the best. The study, we can study in dormitory and library. But there are some

advantages and disadvantages among the place. It is very comfortable for people study in the
dormitory, even though they can lie on the bed to read. But you will be disturbed by watching
TV, listening or chatting gossip with others. Dormitory is a good place to relax, most of my
friends do not like study in the dormitory because of cannot be pay attention on studying.
Library has advanced equipments and huge amounts books, people can study well in the
library. Also the warm air condition work excellent in it, I see many students sleep in the
library frequently. So, according to the different situation, I will choose which place I will go
to study. In conclusion, management is really useful in the life.

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