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#1 (8/31/2015)
As I was walking back to my dorm I believe that this incident goes to
from my WRD 111 class on Friday I
show that skateboards should be banned
witnessed someone falling off of their
on campus. They are simply a nuisance
skateboard at the intersection of Hilltop to our campus. Skateboards are hard to
Avenue and University Drive. The
control and maneuver and are simply
person was relatively short and slightly just too dangerous to be used as a mode
overweight. When he fell, he fell on his
of transportation around campus. With
bottom and backpack and his skateboard the large number of pedestrians on
went rolling out in front on him into the campus, skateboarders run the constant
street and started rolling down
risk of running into people. This
University Drive. The person got up
persons skateboard couldve easily of
right away and appeared to be fine, but
ran into people or caused people to trip.
his skateboard had rolled underneath a It is also dangerous to the cars. If a car
car stopped at the stop sign. When that runs over a loose skateboard, substantial
car cautiously turned, he then ran into
damage can be done to the car. The
the middle of the street and grabbed his University of Kentucky administration
skateboard, holding up traffic. He then
needs to ban skateboards during the
got his skateboard and started
academic year.
skateboarding merrily down the
sidewalk again going about his business.

Entry #2 (9/1/2015)
My family and I were in Greece this Honestly, it was quite annoying
past summer and eating dinner in a town having the performers hanging around
called Lavrio. We were eating outside
us while we were trying to enjoy our
and it was evening time, so the
dinner. They were in no way affiliated to
restaurant was beginning to become
the restaurant, but were outsiders trying
more crowded.
to earn some money. It was very ironic
About the time that our main
though, because generally you would
courses came, these two random people pay to see a performance, but once we
started going around table to table
paid these people, they disappeared.
playing music. One of them was playing It is as if them receiving money
a guitar and the other one was playing
makes them cease to annoy you. This
an accordion. They looked like they
gave me the thought that annoying
were in their thirties or so and both
different people for money can be a way
were average sized with dark hair. The to make a quick and easy profit. You can
man with a guitar had a tin cup attached provide the service (in this case playing
to his guitar with change in it.
the music) and once they are tired of it
The performers continued walking they simply pay you and then you can
around from table to table and finally
move on to the next group of people.
reached our table. They kept performing Maybe pestering people can actually be a

and were walking around in circles

creative way to earn some spare change.
around the table. My grandpa was
sitting across to me and told me to get
out a couple of coins to pay them. They
were near him, so I handed him two
euros worth of coins and they then said
thank you and walked away. We then
continued to eat our dinner.

Entry #3 (9/2/2015)
This morning I was running a little This whole deal really frustrated
bit late to my Calculus class. I was very
me this morning. While it is my
tired and woke up later than I shouldve responsibility to get to class on time and
so I left my dorm about 15 minutes later get a seat, the administration should still
then I wanted to. The class was in White not schedule more students to a class
Hall Classroom Building and started at
than there are seats. This issue wouldve
9am, but I got there at around 9:10am.
arisen even if everyone were to show up
When I got in the classroom, there on time.
were literally no open seats left so I had Having a classroom filled to over
to stand in the very back of the lecture
capacity is not only a nuisance; it is also
room and take notes. More people
a fire hazard. Had there been an
continued entering the classroom late
emergency, people wouldve been
and about 5 minutes later, there were
tripping over each other trying to get out
several of us in the back of the room. We of the room. With all of us standing up in
all continued taking our notes
the back, we were blocking the exits.
uncomfortably as we had to stand. I
It also isnt fair to all of the people
decided that I was never going to be late who register for the class early. The last
to this class again.
students that sign up for the class should
be the ones who have to stand in the
back of the room. Accommodations
given by a classroom should be equal for

Entry #4 (9/6/2015)
I was at the Kentucky vs. Louisiana- It is great to see a lot of students
Lafayette football game yesterday. It
show up to football games, as they have
was the first Kentucky football game of
an actual effect on the games. The
the 2015 season. I got my season
students are able to create a lot of noise,
student tickets early this summer as I
which then makes it hard for the

was super excited for the season. I was

just getting over a 48 hour cold so I felt it
was going to be a good night.
I sat in the student section like I
always do and got a pretty good spot as
it is first come first serve seating. The
student section was completely full by
kickoff, which is great. The entire game
was sold out, so there were very few
empty seats in the entire stadium.
Kentucky took a 33 to 7 lead early
in the second half of the game and many
students began leaving. As more and
more students were leaving the student
section became barren and probably two
thirds had left by halfway through the
fourth quarter. Louisiana-Lafayette then
made a big comeback to tie the game
before Kentucky went on a game
winning drive to win with 50 seconds

opposing team to communicate. It is

also important for students to attend,
because it is their fellow students that
are out there competing on the football
It was very disappointing to see so
many of the students leave the game
early. It is very much an embarrassment
as those players on the field put so many
hours of work every week of every
season just to go out and compete in a
sport. We as students should stay there
from start to end of every game to
support our team; our school.
It is evident that the students
leaving did have some affect, because
when they began to leave is when
Louisiana made their comeback.
Kentucky students need to look at the
traditions of other state colleges in the
nation to know what a true student fan
base is.

Entry #5 (9/7/2015)
Several years ago, my dad, little
I think that this person was the
brother, and I were going to Walmart to lowest of the low in our society.
shop for some things we needed for the Speeding around excessively is
house. We parked our car quite far away pedestrian zones is stupid and should be
and began walking toward the entrance construed as attempted murder or
of the store.
wanton endangerment.
As we approached the pedestrian
If my brother wasnt holding my
crossing right by the door a Mustang
dads hand, he wouldve been running
started accelerating and came speeding ahead of us like he always likes to do and
across the walkway at 40-50 miles per
in this case he had a real chance at being
hour. There was another shopped
hit by this idiotic driver and getting
coming from the opposite direct out of
seriously injured. My dad and I were
the door and started yelling and cussing both hoping that karma eventually
at the driver of the car. My dad told the catches up to this person.
other shopper that it was ridiculous
what that car had done and that they
couldve hit a child like my brother or
any other pedestrians that they did not

Entry #6 (9/7/2015)
A little more recent, just a little over In our society, the wisest are the
a year ago, my grandmother and I were oldest. To many times people are
going to Walmart to shop for the last
disrespectful to the elderly in our world.
couple of things I needed to move in to
They are the mothers and fathers of who
college. We went in the store and picked we have became today and without them
out all of the stuff off of our list that we
we would not exist.
had and then checked out. All of this
This instance goes to show how
went very smoothly.
there is not respect for the elderly. It
As we were leaving, a city mass-
should be blessed that my grandmother
transit bus was in the process of passing is actually still able to walk and
the front of the store and the bus
maneuver a giant superstore. She
stopped to the right of us to let us pass. couldve just as easily have been
My grandmother has arthritis and is a
confined to a wheelchair or not even
little slower than normal so it took her
able to go out to a store at all.
more time than the average person to
People that are able to walk fast, or
pass this distance.
even drive a bus should feel blessed and
The bus driver had his window
be thankful that they have that ability.
down and yelled Shes so f****** slow! There is plenty of time in a day to the
We both could clearly hear him and my
point that thirty extra seconds is not
grandmother got very angry. She kept a going to cost them much. For that
mental note of the bus number and when matter, that bus driver still gets paid the
we got to the car she had me look up the same rate whether he is driving, or
phone number to the city transit service stopped at a pedestrian crossing. He
on my phone. She then called and filed a needs to look in the mirror next time he
complaint against the driver.
decides to yell at slow walkers.

Entry #7 (9/9/2015)
I was driving back home to Indiana If people would either just drive at
from Lexington a couple weeks ago and the speed limit, or just not worry about
the drive was going smoothly until I ran getting pulled over, then none of these
into a traffic jam as I entered Jefferson
bizarre traffic incidents would ever
County, Kentucky. Traffic began to slow happen. Driving the speed limit and
to a snails pace and my first thought was then abruptly hitting the brakes can be
that there was wreck up ahead.
just as dangerous, if not more dangerous,
For about 3-5 minutes, this period than speeding itself.
of slow driving continued until I could
The safest thing to do while driving
see the cause. There were two police
is to just follow the speed limit and keep
officers camped out where the speed
plenty of distance from the car in front of
limit was 55 trying to catch speeders.
you. If someone wants to speed while
This caused cars to quickly hit on their
driving, then they should just accept the
brakes and caused a chain reaction of
risk of getting pulled over and not react

slow traffic during a busy time of the

on the fly. Multi-car pileups occur
day. This was not the only occasion that because of this reason.
I witness something like this on the road.

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