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4 Project definition
P1.4.6 Key Business Requirements:
Choice of Hardware and software
Transaction density
Cost per transaction
Choices regarding forms and reports
Information security
Continuity of operations
Transition from old system to new
What must change
What must not change

P1.4 Project definition

P1.4.7 Project Objectives:
Centralize business process across all
departments and manufacturing units.
Increase productivity and improve efficiency
by reducing duplication of data entry.
Reduce the operational cost caused by the
outdated legacy system.
Reach the customer effectively and reply to
the quires quickly.

P1.4 Project definition

P1.4.8 Project Benefits:
SAP provided them an integrated enterprise.
Tata financially benefited because of the reduced
cost of handling inventories.
Generating trade documents and analysis of
reports became easy.
Reduction in time taken and better decision
making is now possible.
Now Tata is using a single unified database
which is easy to maintain.

P1.4 Project definition

P1.4.9 Project Target Audience:
Anybody and everybody who will be an
end user of the product.
Understanding of demographics of end
users is important.
Can have an effect on scope of project.

P1.4 Project definition

P1.4.10 Problem:
Following 5 basic problems Tata were facing
Inefficient legacy systems.
Information was distributed over a multiple
Process of loading and retrieving data was slow
and inefficient.
Production rate was slow because of the
ineffective information flow.
Cost occurred in handling the outdated legacy
system was high.

P1.4 Project definition

P1.4.11 Solution:
There were following solutions
Replacement for slow legacy system
A centrally stored independent
integrated enterprise was needed
Real time access to data base and
better data quality was in need

P1.4 Project definition

P1.4.12 Project Scope:
Defines what is in and what is out.
It is a challenge to define what is out-ofscope!
Common understanding about the scope
is vital.
Need to be documented in unambiguous
manner that is understandable by all

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