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What If Metropolis

Danielle Gibbs

Lazlo Moholy-nagy
Laszlo Moholy-nagy is a Hungarian-born
abstract painter and photographer, with his
abstract paintings that feature many
opaque and also transluecent geometric
shapes of circles, triangles, squares,
rectangles and lines with varying
thickness. Moholy-nagy uses warm
colours through his works, such as
oranges, reds, cream, dark blues and

Influence Map

The Seaside City of Tenger

The crowning jewel of the Tenger lies at the topmost point of the city, emitting a familiar bright,
glowing aura that brings home the fisherman, safe and sound, through the thickest of fogs and
through the darkest hours of the morning. The lighthouse early in the morning is a glorious sight to
behold, with the sun rise high up directly behind it. Down on the docks it appears as though the
hopeful light from the lighthouse has been pluck and placed straight into the sky. Tenger experiences
two sunrises each day, as when the light drowns at dusk, a new glow is born from the lighthouse, and
with it the reassuring guide for the fishermen to follow to return home safely is born.
The lifeblood of the city is the ocean, as it provides the fish for the fishermen to catch and trade, and
becomes the main export the city trades out to the rest of the world, however as much as it provided
it easily took away. Many fishermen never returned home from a routine trip, lost out in the fog or
devoured by the sea-beast that haunted the city each and every night, only its ghastly fin being
glanced at as it slipped back into the water as soon as the suns lights hit the water. Thus the
lighthouse was erected, to guide home the fishermen safely in the dark, although the brilliant light
not only acted as a guide, but also drove away the monster that lurked around in the dark.

Final Concept Art

Production Art

Orthographic Drawings

Matte Painting

Final Render


Final Render

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