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By: Justin Mares 12/10/2015

Are Robots the Army of the


Farmer, Ben, and MVmedia. Robotic Military. 2015. N.p

Science fiction or reality?

Have you ever wondered if movies like Star Wars and Terminator were a true glimpse to
the future? Surely there are people who wish that Star Wars and Terminator would come true and
they would be living a technological dream. A dream one would never want to leave, given the

choice. On a serious note, movies like Star Wars and Terminator have traditionally been seen as
science fiction, but could robots become a reality? The simple answer to the question is yes.
Most people are unaware of the fact that robots are actually real. Many research agencies, such
as Boston Dynamics and DARPA, are working to improve soldier quality of life by creating
fighting robots. DARPA has created various robotic warfare systems including humanoids,
cheetahs, and drones. Most robots are designed after animalistic features to make them unique
and, most importantly, functional. Humanoids are robotic systems that resemble human-like
functioning and are easily able to react and adjust to their environments (Kirshnan). Drones are
currently the most popular and widely used form of robotic warfare. Drones are fast, effective,
and incredibly accurate in striking down enemy targets. John Bolton, a past UN Ambassador, and
drone expert stated, I think it is entirely sensible. Whether it is foreign citizens who are involved
with Al Qaeda or American citizens, we are in a war. They have attacked us. We have a
congressional authorization to use military force in response. And thats whats at stake here
("Pro, Con: Best Quotes about Drones"). The quote by Bolton is valid in the face of war when
its an us or them situation and the U.S just so happens to choose the us aspect. The quote
can go further to explain all other autonomous warfare by claiming an automated kill is less
destructive and more efficient.

In many cases, utilizing a fully autonomous military could dramatically reduce physical
and emotional carnage, including damage to buildings, landscape, etc. and to soldiers. Over the
course of the U.S military history, there have been over a million soldier injuries, disabilities,
and casualties (Hickey, and Santhanam). War not only damages the soldier, but it also

dramatically hurts those around them. The emotional destruction soldiers face on a daily basis
after they return home can destroy families. According to a study by the U.S Department of
Veteran Affairs 38% of soldiers who return home from war with PTSD had marital problems that
ultimately ended in divorce ( "PTSD: National Center for PTSD") . In such an exciting age of
technology, there is hope for a safer soldier experience.

Works Cited
Hickey, Megan, and Laura Santhanam. "How Many Americans Have Died in U.S. Wars?" PBS.
PBS, 24 May 2015. Web. 12 Nov. 2015
Krishnan, Armin. "Robots, Soldiers and Cyborgs: The Future of Warfare." Robohub. N.p., 5 Feb.
2015. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.
"Pro, Con: Best Quotes about Drones." POLITICO. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2015.

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