Evaluator: - Evaluation Date

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Evaluator: ______________________________________

Does the problem statement clarify the discrepancy between the ideal and the
current situation?

Does the goal statement describe the level or stand ard the team wants to achieve
in quantitative terms and set a target date?

Was the process and its implications clearly explained with data and evidences?

Did the team brainstormed deep enough to identify and produce factors
contributing to the problem?

In the Cause-Effect analysis, did the team use inquiry of "5Whys" to pursue and
identify the main causes?

Is the data collected, analyzed and compared in such a way as to prove the
relevance of each chosen root cause?

Is key data summarized in charts and graphs effectively?


Do countermeasures address the root cause?


Has the goal been achieved and well measured?


10 Will the results be sustained long term?



Suggestions for improvement

Suggestion 3 points for improvement

Was it well organized?

Was it persuasive?
Was it easy to understand for the audience?

E - Excellent


N- Needs improvement


G- Good


Evaluation date: ___/___/_____

Was it professionally done?

Was it done within the 10 minute limit?
Was the presenter confident?


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