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To pull the ROSA EM devlist

First go to start menu, click, now high light program then move to ROSA Config. Tools,
click on ROSA EM tools environment.
Type getdevlist 10.88.XX.190 then enter

Type in the password: rosaem then enter

Press enter and enter again until you get to ROSA EM configuration tools> type notepad
then enter

Go into My computer, your C hard drive and right click on the C drive to pull up
Programs files, next click on Scientific-Atlanta the go to ROSA EM Configuration tools.
Open it to locate the file just down loaded from the ROSA EM

Added 11.08.11

The password is; rosaem

On with Notepad

Below is the latest dev list on file for the ROSA EM IP number, save the
file in the proper location.

Uploading the Device List

After editing the device list, you can upload this file to the ROSA EM device.

following procedure explains how to upload the device list to a ROSA EM

1 Click on the Windows Start button, move to Programs, ROSA EM
Configuration Tools, and select ROSA EM Tools Environment.
Result: The ROSA EM Tools Environment window is displayed.
2 Enter the following instructions on the command prompt:
putdevlist X.X.X.X Y
X.X.X.X: the IP address of the ROSA EM device
Y: directory and filename
Directory: directory where the device list file is located
Filename: the name of the device list file
Note: The Y parameter is optional. If it is not added to the putdevlist
the devlist in the current directory is automatically selected or you will be
prompted to provide one if there is no devlist in the current directory.
3 Enter the FTP password on the command prompt.
Result: The device list file is renamed to devlist.txt and uploaded to the
EM device.
Note: The FTP password prompt is only displayed if your ROSA EM has boot
software version V04.00.50 or higher. For more information, please refer to
Managing Services on page 75.
4 The ROSA EM device is restarted and uses the newly uploaded device list.
Note: Restarting the device will take some time.
Note; heres the result for getdevlist sorry cable was pulled out
was able to get all three devlist, 126,125 and 122

Note Matt had started adding to IP .225, with the naming convention, noting on the other

Put Devlist

Password: rosaem
Opertation to put devlist
Once into

Put devlist; then enter pass word

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