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A Loving Home
Once upon a time on an abandoned village in Cam, Louisiana, there lived a
family. This family loved the village and refused to move like the other
families. In this family there was Papa Sheamus, Mama Rosie, Brother Odell
and Sister Tia. They were the Lesh family.
One nice, cool evening, Odell and Tia Lesh went to the forest behind
their house. Odell was 15 years old and he was a rebel. He was known for
talking bad to his teachers, disobeying his parents and always stealing bread
from the local baker. He always gave his parents a hard time.
Tia on the other hand was a very sweet kid. She was 10 years old and
was a saint. She had outstanding grades and her parents loved her dearly.
Odell was very jealous of Tia and despised her, but would never show
it. Tia would always get the attention and love from everyone, especially
their parents. Odell and Tia continued playing a game they called, Lady
Rapunzel. Tia would pretend to be a trapped mistress in a castle and Odell
had to come save her, before Mister Warren comes. Mister Warren was this
evil creature that makes children do evil things. Papa Sheamus told this to
warn Odell and Tia not to roam far from the house.
Mister Warren is unseen by the naked eye and his home is in the mind
of the weak, explained Papa Sheamus. Papa Sheamus informed Odell and
Tia, that once they roam far from the house, they will begin to hear Mister
Warrens soothing voice.
...His voice is as lovely as fresh baked bread, but falling for his
requests will bring millions of years of guilt on your soul, explained Papa
Sheamus. Odell never believed this bologna, but just agreed to make his
father happy.
After a few games of Lady Rapunzel, Odell became bored and started
exploring around the house. Tia noticed that Odell was getting further away
from the house and warned him to come back. Odell ignored her and
continued walking forward, knowing that it wasnt very far. Tia didnt know
what to do so she snatched her doll from the ground and ran towards Odell.
Tia began to worry and kept bothering Odell. Odell calmed Tia by
bribing her with the biggest lollipop he had. Odell truly loved the outdoors,

but was always distracted by his sister. Their parents would always give Tia
the best clothes and the best treatment, usually Odell would deal with this,
but today was different.
Odell was unusually upset today and felt a sudden rage inside of him.
Tia sat on a fallen tree, playing with her doll, while Odell was seeing how far
he could throw a rock in the water. Suddenly a strange voice began to speak
inside Odells head. This voice was very soothing and talked to Odell like a
mother talking to her new born baby.
This voice startled Odell, by repeating the commands, Break Tia.
Odell thought he was going crazy, but couldnt help to agree with this
incredibly soothing voice. Odell felt this rage inside of him, a rage that he
never thought he would acquire. The mysterious voice explained how Tia is
better than him and loved more than him.
This train of thought was broken by Tias innocent voice, reminding
Odell that she had to go the bathroom. The voice in Odells head faded away
whispering the words, Follow the path, the path of freedom. Odell went to
Tia and took her to a bush where she could go to the bathroom. Odell noticed
a small path alongside the river. He grabbed Tias hand and started walking
on the path.
This voice in Odells head became stronger and louder. Odell was
becoming scared and frustrated. They stopped and Odell grabbed his head
and started grunting. This worried Tia and she began to cry. Odell, confused,
began shushing Tia and begged her to be quiet. Odell picked Tia up and
continued walking on the path. Odell didnt knew why he was taking this
path, it was like he had no control of his body.
As the sun began to disappear, Papa Sheamus went outside to tell the
kids to come in, then he realized he was gone. Papa Sheamus knew, it was
Mister Warren that made this happen. Papa Sheamus knew that Tia was in
big trouble. He grabbed his coat and went looking for them.
Tia was fast asleep and Odell was still walking on the path. Odell was in
a rage with all the love and Tia got throughout her life. With this rage, the
voice came back and informed Odell that danger was behind him. Odell
began walking faster, with Tia in his arms.
After a while, Odell reached a small castle, he continued to obey the
voice in his head and entered the castle. The castle was decorated with Tias
favorite toys from home. Odell threw Tia on the floor and began to hit her.

Tias screams pierced through the forest, reaching her worried father. This
scream terrified Papa Sheamus and he moved faster.
Tia ran away from Odell, but he caught up to her and jerked her back in
the castle. Odell began to beat her and even choke her. Tias blood and
tears ran down Odells pale hands. The choke was broken when Odell heard
his Papa yell his name. Odell began to panic, he ran out of the castle, leaving
Tia behind.
Papa Sheamus charged the castle door open and ran towards Tia,
comforting her. He told Tia to wait for him when he comes back and told her
to never leave the castle. Papa Sheamus ran out of the house and went
looking for Odell.
Odell was out of breath, Odell found a fallen trunk and hid behind it. He
waited there holding a baseball like stick. Papa Sheamus ran and ran. He
called Odells name and thats when Odell came. Odell slashed his Papa in
the knee. Papa Sheamus grunted in agony and grabbed the stick from Odells
hand, when Odell went for the second hit. Papa Sheamus tackled Odell and
pinned him to the ground by holding his neck. Papa Sheamus looked at his
dear son for the last time, knowing that he was too late. He grabbed a rock
and began hitting Odells head with the rock. Odells eyes turned red and he
let out a satanic chuckle. Papa Sheamus gave one last strike, killing Odell.
Papa Sheamus limped back to the house, but when Papa Sheamus
reached there, the house disappeared.

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