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Made by Derek Brenner, Editor

November 2015

Table of Contents
Pumpkins for March of Dimes
Cards for Family Promise
NJ Districts Partners in Services
November Food Drive
Crop Walk and Beach Sweep

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Pumpkins for March of Dimes

What is March of
March of Dimes is an organization
with the goal of helping babies that
are born prematurely. Their goal is
to find the causes and maybe a
cure to help end premature birth,
the leading cause of death of
Every year, 15 million babies are
born prematurely, and out of those
15 million, 1 million will die. Most
parents cannot afford to help their
premature babies, since on
average it costs over $50,000 to
fund for the health of each baby.
For more information, check out the
official March of Dimes website at

Since November is Prematurity
Awareness Month, and
November 17th is World
Prematurity Day, our Key Club is
hosting an in school event
throughout November where all
you have to do is donate $1 to
have your name written on a
pumpkin that will be put up
outside the KIVA. All proceeds will
be going to the March of Dimes
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Cards for Family Promise

What is this?
Cards for Family Promise was a short
event that Key Club ran during one
of the meetings. We asked everyone
who attended the meeting to take a
blank piece of paper and a marker
to write an inspiring and genuine
card for families that are in poverty.
We then sent the cards to the Family
Promise organization, where they
would send these cards to homeless
families in hopes of bringing them
comfort and hope.

What is Family Promise?

Family promise is an organization that provides

for families that arent fortunate enough to have
homes. This organization alone has helped over
2,000 children as well as 1,000 families find new
homes. For more information, feel free to check
out their website at

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NJs Partners in Service

Who are the Partners in
All of New Jerseys Key Clubs have a
variety of different service partners
that we do fundraisers and events
for as well as work with. These
include the Childrens Miracle
Network, the March of Dimes (see
page 2), and UNICEF.

For 5 years, NJ District of Key Club has
been partners with UNICEF for the
Eliminate Project. The goal of the
Eliminate Project is to fight against
Maternal Neonatal Tetanus, a disease
that kills many mothers and infants
every second. For only $1.80, one
vaccine can save a mother and all
her future children.

Childrens Miracle Network

Childrens miracle network is a nonprofit
organization with the goal of raising funds to aid
hospitalized children across the globe. Hospitals
that are associated with CMN are always trying
to provide healthcare for children whos parents
cant afford to pay for their own health. For more
information, feel free to check out their official
website at

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November Food Drive

About the Food Drive
The food drive is an event that
High Tech holds twice a year,
once during the month of
November, and the other during
March. Please bring in and
encourage your peers to bring in
non-perishables. All the
donations will be sent to the New
Jersey Federation of Food Banks.

In New Jersey alone, over 900,000
people rely on food banks for their food
7.7 million times a years someone is fed
by the NJ Federation of Food Banks
1 in every 8 people in New Jersey
struggle with Hunger
There are 5 food banks in the Federation
of Food banks located in New Jersey

House Cup

Remember, donating food cans not only helps towards fighting hunger, but it
also helps your class fight towards that house cup. The class that brings in the
most cans will score 4 points, then 3, then 2, and last will score one. Last year
our Key Club brought in over 3,000 cans, and we aim to collect even more
this year!

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What is Mr. HTHS?

More Information
If you want to be a part of this
event but you dont want to be a
contestant, there are plenty more
ways you can help. Just by
attending, you are helping raise
money for the Wiser Foundation to
fund girls education in Kenya.
Attending costs $10 paid in
advance, and $13 at the door
(SGA season passes are accepted).
In addition, if you want to have a
small leadership position and help
out as part of the Mr. HTHS
committee, please contact Tiffany
Yuen as soon as possible.

Mr. HTHS is a male beauty pageant

hosted by our very own school every
year. Each contestant will be asked to
perform a variety of tasks, and then will
be judged by a set of judges(the
teachers), and then will be voted on
by the students themselves. For each
class, there can be two contenders.
If you want to participate, please
contact an officer as soon as possible.
If there are too many applicants, a
random selection will be drawn to see
who represents each grade.

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Beach Sweeps/Crop Walk

About Beach
This year, our High Tech Key
Club participated in Beach
Sweeps in Asbury Park on
October 24th. The beach
sweep is an open event
where anyone who wants to
participate can come and
help clean up the beaches.
We thank everyone that
was able to attend this

Crop Walk
This year, our Key Club attended a Crop Walk
hosted at RBR on October 18th, in hopes of
raising funds and food for the organization
CROP, whos attempt is to end hunger across
the United States. Our Key Club had over 20
members attend this year, and we thank
everyone who attended and donated any
money and food! Our club alone raised $1,300
and 15 cans from CROP walk!

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