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Appendix: Expectations in Basic Writing and Advanced Writing

Writing guidelines can vary dramatically between basic and more advanced writing
courses. The formulaic requirements for AP high school courses may be frowned
upon in a four year college. Since two-year colleges bridge the gap between high
school and college and because some initiatives encourage the pairing of
developmental and college-level classes, instructors would do well to be aware of
some of the common points of contrast between basic and advanced writing
Basic Writing

Advanced Writing

Detailed essay topics

No initial outside research

Open essay topics

Research encouraged in prewriting stage

Personal examples used


Observations and objective examples

Clear thesis at end of introduction

Thesis may be implied or delayed

Three-pronged thesis encouraged

Three-pronged thesis discouraged

Support structure with clear thesis links


Discovery or exploratory

Topic sentences begin paragraphs

Topic sentences varied and less formal

Focus on transitional phrases

Focus on coherence and flow

Formulaic, summary conclusions

Conclusions that evaluate, extend

Writing handbook is studied

Writing handbook is a reference

Grammar skills are remediated

Grammar skills are assumed

Focus on sentence clarity and correctness


Focus on sentence style and mature

Prescriptive feedback: No I; no you


Query-based feedback: Too

Work needed on format and mechanics

Standard MLA format emphasized

Emphasis on underlying
Format less of a focus

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