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Dayana Salazar


Stereotypes in the Media

My topic proposal is stereotypes in the media of latinos and hispanics in the media. What
brought me to this topic is most stereotypes of latinos show poverty, welfare and illegal
immigration. These stereotypes are brought to us in the media. Most are negative and show at
times very little perseverance. Another detail that is shown in the media is the help of white
people helping and pushing latinos to become better. In some ways I see this in a negative
because it shows that a latino is only acceptable to the media if following the American dream.
It also sets a general story, like we all speak only spanish, we all are very tanned or we are lazy.
To the new generation its a difficult stereotype to break. This can also represent the take we have
on it and if we should embrace or change it. Targeting not only hispanics and latinos but also
older generations. This affects us now and can affect us even more throughout the years.
How did different ethnic groups become negative stereotypes?
Why do we keep these stereotypes alive?
How did they come to this level of problems?
Does it really affect our culture?

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