Lessonplan Conflict and Social Media

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Lesson Plan

Contemporary World
Current Conflicts (Conflict and the
Internet/Social Media)

Inquiry: What is the role that the

internet and social media plays in
current conflict?

Group Size & Materials

Cycle Level: 2, 3

By the end of this lesson, the students will be able


- understand the impact that the internet and

social media can have on conflict today

Group: ~25 students

Materials: 5 devices (Chromebooks), projector
and screen

Subject Competency:
Interprets a contemporary world problem: examines the multifaceted role of media and the
internet on contemporary conflicts.
Takes a position on a contemporary world issue: takes a position on internet and social
media accessibility.

Cross Curricular Competencies

Uses information and communication technologies: uses devices in a group setting in the
Communicates appropriately: communicates respectfully, especially in dialogue with those
who hold opposing points of view.
Uses information: uses information presented to create a rationale for their position on the
role of the internet in current conflict.

Personal/Professional Goal
My goal for this lesson is to have students develop a critical position on the question of the
internet and social media, in particular with its relation to current conflict.



10 minutes

As this is the end of the unit, we will have a short discussion of the
overall themes of the unit.
Answer questions about the project: give schedule for presentations.

10 min

Class Discussion introducing the idea of social media and current

Personal experiences, sharing stories?
Short explanation of the role of social media in the Arab Spring
movement of 2011.

25 minutes

Main Activity:
Viewing of Google Ideas video on conflict in a connected world.
Break up into groups to talk about discussion questions.
1. What is the role of social media and the internet for either side (often
government vs rebels) in a conflict today?
2. Do you agree with the video's message of the necessity of having a
open and free-access internet for people everywhere? What are some of
the advantages and disadvantages?

5 minutes

Recap of Ideas, reminder of presentations next class, and moving on to

the next unit.

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