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Mormon Insights Book of Mormon /page 1

Title (12 words) Seer stone or Urim and Thummim? The Book of Mormon translation
understood. Understanding the Book of Mormons translation.
Kicker (194 characters) You might have wondered if the rumors are true that Joseph Smith used
instruments other than the Urim and Thummim deposited with the Gold Plates to translate the
Book of Mormon. Its true. Discover the translation process yourself.

Commented [AO1]:
Commented [AO2]: The title seemed to be a bit too long
so I tried to find a title that its a bit more concise and
gets to the point sooner. It will also help with the SEO if
there is a single important keyword in the title. See if
you like the title I gave you, if you dont, try to change it
to something similar that you like more.

Highlights of the source article (271 words)

The article Joseph the Seer in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issue of the
Ensign delves into describes how the Book of Mormons translation process went. Never-beforeseen pictures of Joseph Smiths first seer stone are also included in this article. You may be
wondering, Josephs first seer stone? Thats right. This article outlines the origin modern
etymology of the words seer stone, Urim and Thummim, and interpreters, and helps people of
today understand the translation process using primary sources as the foundation for that work.
You might have heard from sources inside or outside of the church that Joseph Smith used
other stones besides the two deposited with the gold plates to translate the sacred record. Some
critic sources try and defame Josephs name by using this information to create doubts on the
truthfulness of the translation, saying that Joseph an image that Joseph was acting in secrecy or
that he didnt explain its sthe true process. of the translation process. But in actuality, sources
such as Emma Smith, Oliver Cowdery, John Whitmer, and Brigham Young have explained that
Joseph had a few seer stones. He had at least one of the seer stones in his possession before he
ever received the plates. His gift as seer was already fine-tuned. Because his gift was already
matured, Joseph often used the seer one stone rather than the two interpreters simply for
In our day as well as in Josephs day, the unknowns about the translation process forms
evoke curiosity in the minds of many. Speaking to one crowd who questioned the details of
translation, Joseph redirected their question to what is most important. Stones or not, the Book of
Mormon which testifies of Jesus Christ, was translated by the gift and power of God.

Hyperlink to the URL of the article

Joseph the Seer
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Commented [AO3]: The word delves is a bit harder to

understand for the international audience. I would want
to stick to words like describes, talks about, or
something along those lines. Remember the simpler the
word, the easier our international audience will be able
to understand it. Also, I added the subject (the Book of
Mormon) because even if its in the tilte, the sentence
wouldnt be clear without it (since its the first sentence
of the article). You can re-arrange the sentence as you
like if you want, or keep my edit
Commented [AO4]: This word would be very difficult for
internationals to understand. I would use a synonym
like origin, or anything else that its simpler to
Formatted: Font: Italic
Formatted: Font: Italic
Formatted: Font: Italic
Commented [AO5]: I re-arranged the sentence so that
its a bit clearer to understand. Let me know if the
meaning its still what you meant it to be or if you dont
like the edit.
Commented [AO6]: This is another word hard to
understand for internationals.
Commented [AO7]: I eliminated this sentence because
the same concept is repeated in the sentence right after.
Commented [AO8]: Im not sure that this is a true
statement. The article states that after Moroni took the
plates and the Urim and Thummim back with him,
Joseph gives the seer stone to Oliver Cowdery, because
since he was matured as a seer, he didnt need an
instrument anymore. But while he was translating the
Book of Mormon he wasnt still that matured. The
reason he used the seer stone was just because it
worked exactly like the other two stones, but he still
needed an instrument to translate, thats why he used
that one. So I would erase that sentence to dont create
Commented [AO9]: Evoke is another of those words
kind of hard to understand for internationals. I tried to
think of a simpler synonym, but if you can think of a
better one its fine
Commented [AO10]: Great ending
Commented [AO11]: Link works
Commented [AO12]: Link works
Commented [AO13]: Link works

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