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Running Head: violence against men

Violence against men

Jennifer Delgado
University of Texas at El Paso
Professor Marco Rodriguez
RWS 1302: Rhetoric and Writing Studies

Running Head: violence against men

Domestic Violence against Men

Domestic violence against men is a tremendous issue, but many people dont see this as a
problem. They are used to witness more men being the actual abusers, not them being abused.
This happens most of time because men are physically stronger than women. People dont think
of this as an issue because in the past women were not treated equally as men, people saw
women as inferior to men, and now things have changed. Men are being abused by women, and
people need to be aware of it. Men should get informed about their rights and actually putting an
end to this type of abuse. This issue is being address through two genres, which is to inform
people about domestic violence against men and make an awareness. Christopher F Barber
Domestic violence against men this article argues about the types of abuse against men, and the
average of men being abuse in different types of violence. The second genre is Domestic
violence against men in India: A perspective this article shows statistics, estimates and
dynamics of domestic violence against men, and the health consequences of domestic violence
against men. Both articles explain why violence against me is not reported. These genre, and the
way they view the main issue, will be discussed through this analysis.
Audience and purpose
The first genre, Christopher F Barber Domestic violence against men is an
article that argues about the types of domestic violence and the average of men being abused.
The purpose of this article is to inform people about domestic violence against men, and make an
awareness that not only women experience domestic violence. The second genre is Domestic

Running Head: violence against men

violence against men in India: A perspective this article persuade people to change their way of
thinking about domestic violence against men, and also to inform the health consequences of
domestic violence against men.
The intended audience of the first gender is mostly men, usually the ones that are in
relationship or marriage. This article can also be for all the people in general. Knowing the type
of people that the first genre refer to, we can assume that the article discusses about the domestic
violence men experience from their partners. For the second genre, the audience is men from
India, and also people that are inserted in domestic violence, because the article is based on facts
and estimates and dynamics from India. It also it has testimonies from men that live in India.
Both genres are different, beginning with the time it takes to read each article and the
available time the audience has to read the articles. The first article it only five pages long and it
takes like half an hour or more to read the article. This article is brief and stick to the point, and
also gives some examples about different types of violence. Which makes it more interesting to
read and grad the attention of the reader. The second article is eight pages long and it takes more
time to read it. This article had more information about domestic violence than the first article.
The article has statistics and a chart which facilitates the dispersion of the information. This
article contains too much information that is easy to read, which will make the reader more
interested in continuing reading.
Both genres purpose is to inform their audience about domestic violence and the types of
domestic violence that exist. Make an awareness that not only women experience domestic
violence, however each genre explain the information differently. In the first genre purpose is to
inform the audience about the types of domestic violence and the average of men being abuse in
different categories. The second genre purpose is to inform the audience from India about the

Running Head: violence against men

health consequences of domestic violence, and how men react to this issue. The vocabulary in
each article is formal information. The language features are neutral, uses common words,
simple and easy to follow, its an informative article and with a purpose. The second article, the
language features are more professional and more informative and persuasive. In both articles
there are no visuals and also there are no exotic colors. The first genre uses blue and white and
black. The other article is simpler and clean, the only visible color are black and white.
The first genre domestic violence against men, by Barber shows credibility
because of the use of statistics in the article, it said the percentage of male victims according to
the type of abuse, for example, men that were threatened with a weapon, there is a fifty percent
of victims. This article also gives statistics of how police respond to domestic violence. The
article also have resource and support networks for male victims of domestic violence. The
article also has a reference page from where they got several information.
The second genre domestic violence against men in India: perspective, demonstrate
credibility because it uses statistics, estimates and dynamics of domestic violence against men. It
shows a chart of several types of violence against men, for example, economic violence, verbal
and emotional violence and others. The article has another sources, such as a study by safe
family foundation and this give it more credibility because they are using other sources to clarify
their points.
The article of domestic violence against men in India: a perspective utilizes emotional
appeals , it provides examples ,where it says how males feel when they are affected by domestic

Running Head: violence against men

violence, and how they react when most of the times people make fun of them or just ignore
them. The testimonies the article has from men that had experience domestic violence also
appeals to the emotion, because we can see how they are feeling and, we see it from other
perspective, not only the facts and statistics.
The second genre, Christopher F Barber Domestic violence against men doesnt not
utilizes and emotional appealing as the first genre. The articles provided examples of victims of
several types of abused and the average of men being abuse. However he doesnt provide
examples how they felt and how they reacted to this types abuses. The article needed more
emotional appeals than the first article. The article should have testimonies from men that had
experience domestic violence and put how they felt and how they lived with that situation in
their lives.

Both articles provided statistics and facts, the first genre Domestic violence against
men. Utilizes charts, for example , one chart said the average of men being abused the type of
abuse, such as kicked in the genitals and there is a thirty percentage of men, assaulted more than
ten times and there is a more than sixty six percentage. Another example is the police responses
to domestic violence against men, for example ignored by the police, a thirty five percentage of
The second article domestic violence against men in India: a perspective utilizes
statistics, estimates and dynamics of domestic violence against men. For example, it uses a table
where it provided examples of domestic violence, and the types of violence reported, which are

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verbal abuse, physical abuse, economic abuse and sexual abuse and it shows the average of men
that reported these types of violence.
Structure and Delivery
The first genre, the structure of this article was first by defining what domestic violence
is and then it shows a prevalence of male victims. Then the forms of violence and the post-abuse
experience and at the end the article has a conclusion. Second genre starts with the introduction
which says men do report domestic violence but in private, it directly tells what the article is
going to be about, which grabs the attention of the readers. Both articles express their purpose in
a way that keep the readers interested in the topic.
In conclusion, both articles argues the main point well. The first genre is more simple and short
than the second, it allows the reader to not lose focus and finish the article. The second genre is
more professional but it has testimonies from men that had experience domestic violence, which
grabs the attention of the audiences and helps to keep the audience reading the article. Each
genre shows a different perspective of the issue but both make an awareness of domestic
violence against men. Domestic violence against men is a serious issue, and both of these genre
are addressing to make a change.

Running Head: violence against men

Kumar, A. (2012). Domestic Violence against Men in India: A Perspective. Journal Of Human
Behavior In The Social Environment, 22(3), 290-296. doi:10.1080/10911359.2012.655988
Barber, C. F. (2008). Domestic violence against men. Nursing Standard, 22(51), 35-39.

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