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HYC 2nd Fee Structure Information Meeting Notes

Monday, September 28th, 2015

Presentation and Discussion of the Committees Proposal

Introduction and Mandate

Commodore Scotcher welcomed those in attendance, thanked the committee

members and introduced the Fee Structure Committee Chair, Vice Commodore
Doug Meredith.
Doug quickly reviewed the steps that the Committee had taken since the 2015
AGM. The Committee reviewed many different scenarios in developing the proposed
changes and implementation of the revised Fee Structure. He reiterated that the
underlying issues were related to the changing demographics of the Club and have
been on-going for 25 years.
After providing those in attendance with some further background, Doug
highlighted the proposed changes and its implementation over 3 years. (Please see
the Fee Structure Committees Proposal (Committee's Proposal))

Comments and Questions Regarding the Proposal

The following is a summary of the key questions and answers that were discussed;
Has the Club considered the potential impact for those Members who will not
support the changes to the fee structure?
 This was considered carefully by the Committee. None of our senior
membership categories have been eliminated. We will be adjusting the
reductions and these will be implemented over a three year period. The
discounts will still be very attractive for example; those in the 65+ category
will still have 50% reduction in fees relative to the Senior Member Category.

Regardless of the changes in Fee Structure, however, there should be a cost of

living increase as this happens on a yearly basis regardless of the changes in
structure. Will the Club continue to make cost of living adjustments?
 Yes, the rebalancing of the fee structure is designed to be revenue neutral
and all the models including those shown in proposal are 2015 dollars. The
Club will need to make cost of living adjustments to account for increases in
our costs due to inflation.
As a follow-up question, at the AGM, will the Fee Structure changes be introduced
separately from any cost of living increases?
 Yes, two separate motions would need to be presented for the memberships
Why will we not allow the new U-35 category to have a boat on the waitlist for a
slip in the harbour?
 The new U35 members will be entitled to a fifty percent fee reduction and
reduced entry fees. To be eligible for a harbour slip and to be on the waitlist,
they can become Senior Members as a number of members under the age of
35 who own boats have done in the past. They can do this within one year
of joining the Club and while their annual fees will increase, they will still
have been able to take advantage of the reduced entrance fee. While the
Club still has a waitlist for the harbour, there are spots available for trailored
boats and of course, space for smaller boats and dinghies.
Why was the age of 35 chosen for the new category? Why not a younger age?
 The Club already has an Intermediate Category which is similar and is for
those under the age of 29. Extending discounts to the age of 35 will hopefully
encourage those who have reached 29 to stay with the Club. It was also
selected to make the Club more accessible to new members who are a bit
older than our Intermediates and was also based on benchmarking other
clubs who are also trying to attract this age group.
Will the U-35 Category apply to only new Members?
 As noted above it will also be available to our Intermediate members who
have reached the age of 29.
Beyond the year 2018, once the changes in the current structure have taken affect,
will there be any future changes?
 We certainly hope that these changes will help us address the underlying
issues the Club is facing in terms of the demographic shift. Any future fee
structure changes would have to be made using the same process, including
approval by the Board and by the Members at an AGM.

Has a minimum bar bill been considered?

 This was discussed but it was not seen as consistent with this Committees
mandate which was to review the fee structure in light of the Clubs changing
Given the substantial 77% reductions (available to those aged 70 plus with 30
years membership) one person wondered if members should be given the option of
remaining as full Senior Members.
 This was not considered by the Committee
Will proxy votes be allowed?
 Commodore Scotcher appointed Honourary Commodore, Lloyd Hodgson to
Chair and select members for a Proxy Vote Review Committee. The
Committee met several times during the season and reported back to the
Board of Directors. The Proxy Vote Committee recommended to the Board
that it was not in the best interest of the Club to pursue the acceptance of
Proxy Voting. The motion was put forward for a vote and the Board
unanimously agreed with their recommendation. The key concern was that
the AGM is a deliberative meeting, where motions are actively debated and
possibly amended at the meeting
What are the revenue projections and the revenue objectives of these proposed
 The projections are revenue neutral and the changes are designed to ensure
stable funding for the Club in light of the changing demographics.

Other comments
A show of hands indicted that almost everyone in attendance was in support of the
Committees proposed changes. A number of other comments were made by
members regarding incentives and longer term plans to attract members and
ensure the Club continues to be relevant to all members;
 The Club needs to better understand how to be more relevant to younger
people. This should include trying to better understand what would attract
and keep younger members. It was pointed out that many golf clubs have
been facing the issue of attracting younger members for years and many
have developed incentives to attract them. HYC needs to have incentives for
younger members as well.
 The Club should develop a Strategic Plan for the decade that would identify
longer term goals and objectives to ensure that it stays relevant to its
members and to address longer term challenges. It should also consider that

there are some big ticket items that will need to be completed in the next 515 yrs. i.e. the pool, the docks, the L pier, etc.
 A number of other comments were made in the context of a discussion of a
strategic plan and the need to attract young members and families. These
o Young families love the playground and animators, but what about the
leadership program?
o Should we re-introduce kayaking and canoeing programs?
o Perhaps woodhenge could be used in the winter for Members who
cross country ski/snow shoe. Lets try to keep members wanting to
come down all year.
o This consultation process for the fee structure revisions has been a
great exercise. Perhaps we should consider bi-annual strategic
planning session following a similar process.
A number of comments were also made regarding the next steps in this process
and the upcoming AGM;
 Ensure that Members are made aware of the date of the upcoming AGM (see
date and time below)
 We need to try to ensure that younger members show up and make their
voices heard at the AGM.
 In any communications, it should be emphasised that the changes are
gradual and are being phased in over three years.

Doug Meredith thanked everyone for their attendance and contribution during the
meeting. He stated that the Committee would review the comments from the notes
that were taken, and would send out a recap of the meeting. The proposal would
also be presented to the Board at the end of November and subsequent to its
approval, would then be presented at the 2016 AGM for a vote by the Membership.
In the meantime we continue to welcome comments and suggestions on the
questionnaire or the blog on the website. Meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m
.Note: The proposed revisions were approved by the Board on November 30th and
as a result, will be presented to the membership at the AGM; agonizingly
(January 16th 10:30 am, Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre)

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