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Social Studies Unit 3 Paul Revere Study Guide

Quiz Date: Monday, December 17th

colony- a place ruled by people in another country
entrepreneur-a person who takes a risk, or chance and starts a business
independence-free to make ones own choices
declaration-the announcement of an idea
liberty freedom from control by another
silversmith a person who makes objects out of silver
diligence working hard for a long time
colonists a person who lives in a colony
harbor a sheltered place along a coast where ships can safely anchor or dock
taxes money people pay to a government in return for services
patriot a person who loves his country and eagerly defends it
boycott to refuse to buy
interdependence depending on each other
revolution a sudden, complete change in government
militia people who work as soldiers when needed

The Sons of Liberty was a political group that believed in freedom for the

Colonists were not given a choice to decide for themselves what should be taxed.

Identify on a map where the British and colonists met for battle in 1775.

Paul Reveres and William Dawes ride was so important because it warned the
colonists of the British movements and it gave the colonists time to get their guns
that were hidden in order to fight.

Our government is a representative democracy.

Identify the Atlantic Ocean, the Georgia Colony, and the Massachusetts Colony
on a map of the Original 13 Colonies.

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