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The Lincoln county high school choir program is home to many different ensembles.
Students may enroll without audition into the Concert choir and all are welcome!
There are 24 seats in the Madrigals and any Students wishing to audition for the
premier large choir, may audition the first week of classes and will be reauditioned
every semester.
In addition to large choir opportunities students may audition for spots on 3
different acapella quartets. Each quartet is primarily student lead, choosing music
to perform on each choir concert as well as serenading during the winter season
and Valentine week celebrations.
Room 226 is home to many classes other than choirs we also host other music
electives: the Guitar class co-taught by Mr. Samuels the assistant band director and
myself. We will learn basic technique, tuning, reading, and develop skills to play the
guitar! We also offer a Music exploration elective class that explores through
listening, comparing and contrasting, and experiencing music from the Popular
era c.1900-2000. The focus is to develop a better understanding of how popular
music evolved during the 20th century.
The Roosevelt Junior High paricipates in the annual Eastern School choir league and
contest. This performance is mandatory for all students and will be considered a
performance grade.
Robes and Tuxedos will be checked out officially during the first week of school after
auditions have taken place. Robes will be owned, stored, and any alterations must
be made with substantial notice, through the school. There are two distinct types of
robes for female students one for all regular choirs and one for the combined select
choir. Tuxedos for all male students will remain the same, but the combined select
choir will also wear a distinct red white suit jacket in favor of the standard black.
All music will be kept in your assigned folder and when class is over the folder will
go in your assigned folder slot in the folder organizer. It is to be encouraged to write
in music With pencil this can help you remember very crucial aspects of the piece
we have talked about previously.

All grades will be a sum of Participation, Tests, Homework, and Performances.
Participation 40%
Sit, ready to start from the beginning of class
Raising hand to answer questions
Assisting the teacher/fellow student when needed
Being attentive during vocal rehearsals
Singing to the best of your ability
Contribute to the success of your fellow students
Homework 10%
Completion of the assignment
Turn in assignment when due
Keep materials organized and with you
Tests 20%
Study for written tests, and practice for singing tests
Perform to the best of your ability
Complete tests during the allotted class time

Grading Scale

Performances 30%
Attend concerts
Display proper concert etiquette
Sit quietly in the audience when your choir is not performing
Stay for the entire concert
Perform to the best of your ability

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