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Cole Burgess

Mary Barker
December 6, 2015
The final research project that I did for POLS-1100 was about the
student loan crisis. My group focused on the benefits of student loans along
with the disadvantages to taking student loans. I worked on the argument
that student loans can be harmful to a student prior to college due to the
large debt that accumulate. After doing this project I have gained more
perspective on the positives and negatives of student loans. This is very
beneficial to me, because I am freshman in college and therefore have all of
the student loans ahead of me. This project was also very helpful for me
because it is the first time that I have had to take the initiative to make a
group on my own. This meant that I had to more outgoing than I normally
am, and begin a conversation with someone to create a group and complete
the project. The last way that the project helped me was by simply allowing
me to write a style of paper I am less familiar with and receive feedback from
a new teacher. The biggest complaint that I have with the project was the
confusion that came with it, involving due dates and requirements. Overall
however, it was beneficial to me to work on this research project.

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