Reconciliation of Books Course

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Course Title: Reconciliation of Books

Course Code: FIN17

Course Description:
Any organization that deals with money or money's worth needs to record every
transaction that it enters into. The courses in this product give a complete understanding,
right from scratch to preparation and analysis of financial statements. This course
supplemented with a number of interactive exercises, in accordance with the 'learn by
doing' approach. This course explains the role that accounting plays as an aid to
financial decision-making. You will learn about the role that accounting recording and
reporting systems play in the organisational environment and consider many of the
conceptual issues relating to accounting measurement.

Who should attend?

Supervisory Agencies, Central Banks
Financial Institutions, Commercial Banks
Investment Banks, Housing Societies/Thrifts
Mutual Funds, Brokerage Houses
Stock Exchanges, Derivatives Exchanges
Insurance Companies, Multinational Corporations
Accountancy Firms, Consultancy Firms
Law Firms, Rating Agencies and,
Multi-lateral Financial Institutions

How attendees will benefit?

After completion of the programme, delegates will be able to:
Accounting Concepts
Accounting Equation
Rules of Accounting
Recording the transactions
Adjusting & Rectifying the books
Preparation of Financial Statements
Analyzing Financial Statements
Reconciling the books

Course Content:
What actually is Bank Reconciliation?
Reasons for reconciling the books.
Procedure or steps for reconciliation.

Course Period:
From 5 to 10 days.

Course Style:
Lecture or One-to-One training style.
In house training.
Group Training.
Practical Training.

We provide this course in any place and at any time suitable for you.
This course is provided in VIP or standard forms. For more information
contact BATD team.

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