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Course Title: Building on first Principles Advanced X-ray Fluorescence

Course Code: ENV4

Course Description:
This course was designed to build on the foundation provided in the introductory course
entitled: Introduction to X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy. It revises the theoretical
principles and proceeds to apply these principles to real life case studies when
completing qualitative, and setting up quantitative, programmes on EDXRF and
WDXRF. Theoretical matrix correction models will be covered in detail. The course is
aimed at spectroscopists using X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy who want to improve
their understanding and learn the principles of setting up calibrations.

Who should attend?

This course will build on the knowledge of the Introductory course and therefore the UP
Introductory Course, or similar courses (e.g. UCT course by Prof. James Willis) will be
an admission requirement to the Intermediary course.

Course Content:
Revision: - Physics of X-rays
- Instrumental Parameters
- Interaction of X-rays with matter
- Mass absorption Coefficients
Qualitative analysis: EDXRF and WDXRF
Setting up Calibrations from scratch on WDXRF and EDXRF
Fundamental Parameters, physics revisited
5. Introduction to Influence Coefficients

Course Period:
From 5 to 10 days.

Course Style:
Lecture or One-to-One training style.
In house training.
Group Training.
Practical Training.

We provide this course in any place and at any time suitable for you.
This course is provided in VIP or standard forms. For more information
contact BATD team.


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