Phylogenetic Workshop For Beginners

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Course Title: Phylogenetic Workshop for Beginners

Course Code: ENV16

Course Description:
Phylogenetic trees are the most popular graphs widely used in scientific publications to
demonstrate relationships between organisms. Many software tools are available on-line
which build phylogenetic trees from data provided by users. Many of the users, however,
do not explain either the requirements for the datasets or the limitations associated with
the method of choice. This workshop will teach students and staff members how to
prepare the initial data for a phylogenetic study and how to choose the most algorithm of
tree calculation.

Who should attend?

This workshop aid learners, from undergraduate students to senior lecturers and
researchers, who are interested in using phylogenetic trees in their work or study.

How attendees will benefit?

After completion of the programme, delegates will be able to:
understand the basics and principals of selection and preparation of
biological materials for phylogenetic studies;
be prepared for a knowledge based choice of the best algorithm and
evolutionary model to resolve a given practical task;
be able to perform a statistical assessment of the results of phylogenetic
trees; and
be able to prepare an informative and professionally looking tree graph for
scientific publications.

Course Content:
Day 1 - Sequence Generation
Sanger capillary sequencing and the next generation sequencing; new
opportunities and changes;
Quality control of base calling
Sequence assembly and alignment
Looking for sequences in public databases

Day 2 - Basics, Terminology and Parameters of Phylogenetic Analysis

Alignment edition;
Outgroup definition;
Cladograms, additive and ultrametric trees;
Distance matrix based, parsimony and maximal likelihood phylogenetic
Statistical assessment of phylogenetic trees;

Day 3 Approaches of Phylogenomics in Practice

MEGA5 beta
Phylemon's on-line tools

Course Period:
From 5 to 10 days.

Course Style:
Lecture or One-to-One training style.
In house training.
Group Training.
Practical Training.

We provide this course in any place and at any time suitable for you.
This course is provided in VIP or standard forms. For more information
contact BATD team.


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