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Report on Progress of Professional Portfolio

Shobha Pandey
Norquest College
NFDN 1002 001/002
Fauziya Ali
Report on Progress of Professional Portfolio
25 August 2015

Report on Progress of Professional Portfolio

Report on Progress of Professional Portfolio

Competency Number

Competency E-6 Demonstrate knowledge and ability to assess and

and letter, as well as

provide nutrition/hydration by Nsaogastric route.


Knowledge: Nasogastric nutrition refers to nutrients given via the

gastrointestinal tract. When the client cannot ingest food but is still able
to digest and absorb nutrients, nasogastric feeding is indicated (Perry P.,
Assessment: Assess client for the need for enteral tube feeding :NPO
(nothing by mouth) status or insufficient intake for more than 5 days,
functional gastrointestinal tract, inability to ingest sufficient nutrients

Description of one

(Peery P., 2010).

From my nursing foundations course, my significant learning

significant learning

experience related to nasogastric feeding is maintaining appropriate

experience in this

position while initiating feeding to prevent risk of aspiration in clients.

course related to the

For example, while initiating feeding, we should ensure that the client is

CLPNA competency.

sitting upright in a chair or in bed. If a client sitting position is

Provide an example.

contraindicated, client can be place in reverse trendelenburg position

Describe what I

I learned that before initaitng nasogastric feeding , I should have the

learned and how it

knowledge and competency regarding nasogastric tube. From this

relates a competency.

course, I learned the purpose, indication , procedure guidelines and to

Explain why it was

manage unexpected events and outcomes while initiating nasogastric


tube or feeding via nasogastric. It relates to the competency because the

competent LPN knows the purpose, indication, procedure, management

Report on Progress of Professional Portfolio

of unexpected events related to nasogastric nutrition. It was meaningful

because it helps me gain confidence and competent related to
nasogastric feeding.
In the proficiency rating, I would like to rate myself as Good. I
Proficiency Rating

studied the literature about it and practice the scenario.

Use the Proficiency

Categories to rate
your proficiency in the
chosen CLPNA
competency. What did
you do to achieve this
In the present and future nursing practice, before initiating any nursing
Describe how you will procedure, I will evaluate my knowledge and assessment related to
apply this learning in

particular procedure. For example if there is order for nasogastric tube

your current and

or feeding, I will check why it is ordered, what are the assessments

future Nursing

should be done prior to initiation and will utilize my competency. I will


use the steps of nursing process like assessment, priority diagnosis,

planning, implementation and evaluation of the outcomes.

Student Name: Shobha Pandey


:NFDN 1002


: 25 August 2015

Instructor/Tutor: Fauziya Ali

Report on Progress of Professional Portfolio

Report on Progress of Professional Portfolio

Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Stockert, P. A., Hall, A. M., Ross-kerr, J. C., Wood, M. J., Duggleby,
W. (Eds.). (2014). Canadian fundamental of nursing (5th ed.). Toronto, ON:
Mosby/Elsevier Canada.

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