02 Text Q

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QUESTIONS / TEXT PLEASE TICK BOX TOSELECT YOUR ANSWER 1 2 3 How many levels of heading | Which element is used to If 5 spaces are left between are there in HTML? create the superscript ® on two words, how many will the date 4" September? appear in the web browser?

I love —_code.

a3 O | aw oO} a o He OO |» «su O | »2 go ow O | 0 «cup O | os o 4 5 6 Which element is used to Which element emphasises Which element indicates create a line break in the the word ‘please’ in this that a paragraph of text is a middle of a paragraph? sentence? Please donate. quote from another source? a sr O] aw 11 | ® cbtockquoter Oo &) dbr P 1 |» cetrons> O | » cauoter o o> O | occ O | ow o 7 8 9 What does the element Which tag would you use Which element is used to specify? to reference a piece of work ‘strikethrough’ text? (Such as a book or a film)? Fickets available! 2) Abbreviation O | acre 11 | a cstrske> o ©) Acronym |» cettatton> O | ow o ©) Both ofthe above O | o«te O | op al

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