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Jennifer Alvarez

November 26, 2015

Philosophy 1000-007
Group Project

1. Do we have any ethical duties regarding what we do with our money? For
instance, Peter Singer says that we have an ethical duty to give away any
money that we earn that is not spent on meeting our basic needs of food
and shelter to those who cannot afford to pay for their basic needs. Do
you agree? Why or why not?

Colston- Better life why does it matter more you can help not only by giving money but with
your time. Pan handlers make about 35,000 yearly they might use it for pleasure.
Zach- Helping improve someone elses life 30,000 seems not reasonable because it depends
where you live cost of living is different everywhere use money wisely, theres better methods
than just money.
Jessica- You never know when you have to use extra money, so saving money is a big deal.
Myself-Well it all depends on the person who is making the money the Right thing is to help
others but honestly no one does that when people need they also have to help themselves. No one
lives on just necessities. But in all reality to me I work hard to make money so I can go to school
and still pay my bills. I always find myself helping my family. But Ive also seen poverty, which
has always helped be very giving but I honestly wouldnt just give my money away, I would like
to see where it all goes. Growing up my mom always taught me to give she also always says
Hoy por ti manana por mi which means today for you, tomorrow for me it sounds better in
Spanish but mom has always been very giving and I feel like even though I see pan handlers out

there asking for money and people say they make a lot I also always think of my mom since
shes so giving shes taught me to be very giving even when I dont want to.

Is it unethical to eat meat? Do we have an ethical duty to be a vegetarian?

Why or why not? Is it unethical to eat any type of food? Why or why

Colston-Eat meat and enjoy it, protest how its being produced
Zach- Theres no veggie places
Jessica- Its okay as long as the animal is not being tortured.
Myself-Honestly its all on the point of view that we as humans have a right too. You cant
compare vegetables to animals. Humans are allowed to eat meat but also have a choice not to just
because there is no ethical justification. I, eat meat but there was this one time where I didnt eat
meat for about a month because someone told me about everything that goes into beef so I
decided to only eat chicken after a month of not eating meat when I tried it again it tasted
disgusting and I threw up, but after trying it again I started eating beef and in all honesty I love
meat and its also healthy for a person

What is truth? How do we know if we have arrived at truth? Are the

skeptics correct that we cannot ever have knowledge of the truth? Is truth
relative? Why or why not?

Colston- The un-concealing truth

Zach- The new truth is an illusion

Jessica- Truth is relative to everyones reality

Myself- Truth is what we believe. We dont know when weve arrived we are just satisfied with
whatever response we receive. I think yes the skeptics are correct because sometimes theres no
proof you just have to make a choice and we choose what makes us comfortable or lets us sleep
at night. I dont know if truth is relative because for everyone its different. Relevance doesnt
exactly make something true or false, good or bad.

How is good behavior vs. bad behavior determined? Do the consequences

of ones actions define whether an action is good or bad, or is it the
motivations or intentions of the actor that matters? What matters mostthe action, the intentions behind our actions, or both?

Colston-Good cant really be determined

Jessica- The intensions behind the action is more important.
Myself- Authority determines what is good behavior and what is bad behavior. The consequences
define whether the action is good or bad, because someone can simply steal because they are
hungry but in society stealing is bad and you have to get punished. I believe to me what matters
the most is first the intentions behind the action sometimes people do things to help someone but
others simply do things because their on drugs or maybe they just want to get revenge on another

If we do the right action for the wrong reason, is it less moral? (i.e. giving
money to charity in order to cut my tax bill)

Colston- Win win avoiding pain pursing pleasure, moral

Zach- Still giving, still benefiting
Jessica- it will always be a win situation
Myself- I believe that its very different for every individual. It depends on the right action and
the wrong reason. The example given was giving money to charity to cut my tax bill; there might
be a reason the individual could have as to why the action is being done. But in reality everyone
is always doing something even if its just buying the persons food behind you. People might
not know but everyone is doing something that may benefit them.

Are bad actions that are completed with good intent less moral? (i.e.
stealing food to help the poor)

Colston- Society is govern by rules, value the poor, culturally it is morally okay
Zach- Robin Hood, culture defines it but promotes sharing works both ways
Jessica- Intentions more powerful than the action stealing from family
Myself- If everyone was to steal everyone would also use that excuse. But I wouldnt let
someone starve to death because that I would be considered the bad person, I also believe it
depends on the bad action, there are some bad actions that I would never be able to do. But the
intention is always considered the most powerful.

What does living the good life consist of?

Colston- Suffering makes you stronger, learning and overcoming from difficulties

Zach- Stress and worry free what it should be but since the world is very materialistic it is not
Jessica- Defined by individuals values and interest.
Myself- Living the good life to me consist of good health, good job and having a healthy family.
Stress and worry free but to have the good life you have to sacrifice and struggle to get there, so
an individual can see how great the good life is and not just take it for granted.

What are the qualities of the superior individual?

Colston- Who is superior? Value money, no perfect person flaws are always there.
Zach- Add strength to my quality list, the person may want to be liked.
Jessica- agrees with my list of qualities
Myself- Knowledge, kindness, discipline, dignity, integrity, rectitude, respectful, nobility and
someone that is humble. But in reality who is the superior leader?

To what extent, if any, does happiness relate to living the good/moral life?
What is happiness?

Colston- Happiness is fleeting momentary pleasure joy is present, happiness isnt compatible
Zach- One of the other (morally) a lot of happiness or a little
Jessica- Happiness is related to living the good life defined by the individual.

Myself- Happiness is different for every individual some happiness for individuals can be
religion, material things or love. Depends on the individual because sometimes happiness doesnt
have anything to do with morals

To what extent, if any, does ones duties to society/other people relate to

living the morally good life?

Colston- Duty morally correct duty is defined by society. Example would be a war soldier killing
someone is okay morally.
Zach- Duties to society still be moral even if you ignore some duties to society
Jessica-Morality defined different by others (individuals)
Myself- Society has a lot to do with everything because some people care and some people
simply dont those are judged people.

This group project has made me realize many things but most of all I kept finding myself
changing my mind about different situations and the way I feel about life. Also learning every
week about a different philosopher made me always change my mind I always felt confused
since I picked out certain things from each philosopher that I liked and kept me intrigued. But
overall this project and the questions made me think about life and how others see it.

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