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1. name __ Gasking Meche i Write a single sentence (or two related sentences) using the two provided words meaningfully to describe catching a criminal or *, i order you wish. 4. arfaign'& apprehend ieee the Pouce apace re evi ones eit Satie i) Ge. owyerlancet December Jone for Vocabulary Test 6 . You may use the words in any 2. conspire & disserision CAREY 3. interrogate & shackle Able 4nd police gel Dorota Torn , the 4 loka Wis arch For the next two sentence clusters, write about a revolution or C.losysynciey oy 7 4, anarchy & lionize : . TAC rriioerueel nike wien the , O seek ove 5. resilient & swelter Ms cramco's HQ) Even noun Mes ePontea aorteed to a S505 sSunolle SSN GCA sso He In wy everyone Passage 1 Write a passage using these 5 words meaningfully about working at the circus or toe us You may use the words in any order you like. Please line the vocabulary wor Snir Wad gue woke ook of Spake akin, Ever Mean Hee A\hovgy ne use Tacittys Zena v9o Ciimbe 3O Tee top of mre Wdelder GANT AO AO rede oN weno, Aloor dead, “We { donabe eirens, Lx Passage 2 ee Write a passage using these 5 words meaningfully about going to church or . You may use the words in any order you like. Please circle or underline the vocabulary words in your passage. ego went = ator RR ~atepasition demean v Hey diswassos axcyich Wrens Pople oP on she allway ysoSe Pr Cove O LiFe cougin cork OOP Spe loved nore Be much Shethought rock He hour BeOn elapsed’ 08 not enough « She Wold, germans) AgNAeO ox rea olen gre pooch say UN He entereel dhe clnurcin conse She e 08 Clee S icleneses, S ERIK U Ogee Fill in the Blank -. Fill in each blank with the vocabulary word that makes the most sense within the context of the sentence and passage. Make sure to use the form of the word that fits within the context of the sentence. The asteroid was hurtiing straight for Earth. At least, that's what they told us—us being the Earthlings toward whom the asteroid was hurtling and they being the super scientific scientists who discovered it. Those scientists studied the trajectory and velocity and everything else of the hurtling asteroid. They had a vague idea of when it would impact our tiny blue dot, bt they couldn't tell for sure. Maybe today, maybe next week. So far, there were only guesses and _swwennises, Meanwhile, panie ensued. Like, mass hysteria and chaos. Even the most pleasant, friendly, and people began to rave like lunatics, yelling and screaming their way all over town, Our home planet, like a Sade ie living all alone in the woods, had minded its own business, never bothering any other planets or stars. But now, the hurtling asteroid had come to disturb our tranquil existence. The more the Earthlings thought about that asteroid, the more they came tohate it, They ivy ers “the thought of some space rock coming down and Killing them all. What right did that asteroid have to hurtle all the Milky Way rough space to kill us? they thought. Stupid space rock. The more they thought about the more lew “they became. After all, there was nothing they could do to stop it-nowhere to go and no hope of escape. So what did they do? They came together. Even in the face of certain doom and destruction, they banded together as one. No longer divided by race, religion, or country, all of humanity united as a single, unified people. Once united, they spent the last moments of their lives doing the only thing ‘that made any sense. The only thing that had ever made any of them happy. The thing that they knew they should have done all along. They studied their vocabulary words. And in those final moments, they were happy. Word Bank anonymous pivot demean evoke clad profound gingerly rebuff. corroborate entreat electrify sage succumb recur profusion excruciating confiscate modify pilfer conscientious endeavor pervade reverberate rebuke imperative despicable inkling interminable inaugurate simulate lackadaisical tirade concise spontaneous emulate recluse despondent guile dehydrate grimace avid rankle encompass generation conjecture serene brusque cursory tremulous affable inventory embark anthology turbulent proprietor prevalent haunt extricate pseudonym audacious surmise abhor derive amiss prudent depict mutiny gruesome irascible abrasion instill disposition resilient impel

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