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“ oy IO pobre Yar pee fer Name st Ver 19 Vocabulary 2 Test Write a single sentence (or two related sentences) using the two provided words meaningfully about an adventure. You may use the words in any order you wish. or gat? 4. endeavor & gruesome year's ENBEAVOY Las to As sine whent op Me 1 ‘ pu tre eC v Foun the ap Of Mt Everest, ts fink, Ne Frsech ¢ Suh cates gai : f 2. gingerly & grimace MEN fe ea lebout aqua may aa her cunt UO TOS Ney en LT gingeviu” vorappech & Paonancd fer S ONE « ovoundh een Ws ne eee gery 3. dehydrate & succumb ona ues ee After a long clay oF Witeiv ‘4, James sue iat nis ge of “not sloping untill midnight. Te WS so deny chvaleo!” that he Dod 10 Owanled Ane dew offof Sone HeaveSe For the next two sentence clusters, write about counting things. * Eo mg al! / When -Lvntluch into ‘a.stere, HOC Proprietor Lo0S Countin o how many People weve woteing in with cdiinigs (ey eres Allastd}SHe hent outside 4 emake @ cpvsorty searcin, And Pound werk the sticker that dickht allow Wath won't theve , \ pasto Ue 6. inventory & surmise The cusner 05 He surmised Wes 4 MISS NG, alas Wecasie Ane re SY woos clrectang inverayy , GRO Were Were Woe re thyousin Ch Passage 1 “4 Write a passage using these 5 words meaningfully about jurors reenacting a crime to see if itwas possible. You may use the words in any order you like. Please circle or underline the vocabulary in your passage. comenergt See, RE, PRE cu NE cxiene, they al WING took Por Ay the Wee cular ve ore Hye Givne och. Juror ane aeiee wee Mhe po tout Pe eae uF pycwnd: money WY perp ae ? ws ashions 66 hose ee He romeere Joror A over ud ee ZL ocie tre man press Toror one then PO awk ¥ tole 0. lor Sete te CS seme) 4g Aloe perce.) wt Rang pn ve police suber * TP Hhinie 3 Dun or t soy PRI BOW Sovor D+ Foe stron 2 ou Ackowv} le Mew) tae man Wat Saw it Sheclol ger a ee ries O aS | Passage 2 Write a passage using these § words meaningfully about a science experiment. You may use the Bove’ crn cn GOA A Deaeeh aes ¢ Ror tO pre OYAMO Bra Ne ex ON Hat Poor 4d prev oN. Tre | oe ner a Creek proof gre) ne 2 Ry ot St WHOA UICATEN 6 As ont ee ae ees | I see expecie ch Le Ue Bs ere aul epi ng OF AcEaPHOTEENE 4 Ree aac wot Slectrrer ee, Yo * ng veo a og atey DILdES vewl's « Now sve Geo) : seis Nev Seoc¥uen> te Hey Ve shel ill in the Blank -3 Fill in each blank with the vocabulary word that makes the most sense within the context of the sentence and passage. Make sure to use the correct form of the word. ° 4 As students file in to take their second vocabulary test, a sense of fear__()@\ VOXC\OC the room. Vocabulary tests have a tendency to__e\ox'@ *"_fearin the hearts and minds of 8th graders, in the same way that spiders and cockroaches do. Still, students buckle down and get to work on the intimidating test. Despite the difficult and unfamiliar test in from of them, their proven by their unwavering determination to succeed. While they would never commit such a x ¢ act as cheating, the test would be much less stressful if they would an ideal student by studying over the entire two weeks, instead of the last 2 days, like their wise, wonderful, and brilliant teacher suggests.

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