Pow5 Radioactive

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POW 5 - Radioactive-Henry

The half-life of Carbon-14 is 5,370 years. The term half-life means that after that time interval,
half of the starting amount is gone. If you start with 10 lbs of C-14, how much is left after:
A. 5,370 years?
B. 10,740 years?
C. 16,110 years?
D. Write a function for the amount left after t years
E. 3,000 years?
To the nearest ten years, when will 4.2 lbs remain?
Conclusion question: As time goes on, what happens to the rate of decay?
Known values:10lbs, 5,370 years,
Unknowns: amount of C-14 left after T amount of time. T
Goal: Find amount of C-14 left after T amount of time.
Steps: Create general equation for the half life of C-14,
solve for it at different time intervals
Prediction:the answers will be between 0.1lbs and 5lbs
Step, why
equation for decay y=10*0.5^x/5370,so i can solve for different times.
plug in 5,370 for X which is 5, to find the answer to question A
plug in 10,740 for X which is 2.5, to find the answer to question b
plug in 16,110 for X which is 1.25, to find the answer to question c
plug in 3,000 for X which is 6.8, to find the answer to question e
Graph equation and plot the point where the Y is 4.2, to find how many years it would take for
the element to decay to 4.2lbs
To the nearest ten years, when will 4.2 lbs remain? The answer is 6712.5
All these answers are accurate because they were all double checked.

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