Juliomolina Policiesandprocedures-1

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Policies and Procedures

Cyberbullying and Hacking

The company Facebook has adopted the anti-cyberbullying program and
have decided to add the prohibition of hacking. We added hacking because
were a serious company who doesnt like to invade other peoples privacy.
Hacking has been a big issue in these types of companies and we reserve
the right to not tolerate this kind of behavior. The company will take action if
the employees use technology to humiliate or stalk their coworkers. The use
of technology to cause inconveniences among the employees of this
company is considered cyberbullying. We consider the send of threats,
unpleasant pictures, inappropriate messaging and phone calls a type of
cyberbullying. The company has the right to investigate or inspect your
electronic devices including, cell phones, laptops, desktop computers if we
receive a complaint from one of our employees. If you were to be found
guilty of this action the company has the right to investigate and take legal
actions and may end up in the termination of your employment.
Emotional relationships between employees in the workplace
The Facebook Company cares about employees relationships, the company
wants to provide a comfortable and friendly environment by encouraging
employees to have good communication, and friendship during and after
work hours. The company respects individuals rights equality but prohibits
any acts or threats of love manifestation between employees during
workplace and after work. This relationships included actions or words such
as holding hands, kissing on the lips and sending emails using the company
computers or other electronic equipment to transfer, receive, and/or display
love manifestation. The company reserves the right to inspect all company
property such as computers, cell phones, voicemails, files and emails. Every
employee should be responsible for showing good behavior and moral.
Having this unacceptable relationship will result in corrective action or in
immediate termination without the opportunity to explain the situation. In
addition the company prohibits having a dinner, reunion or party after work
hours between employees. The company reserves the right to modify this
policy at any time.
Projects done on company grounds
Here in Facebook Inc. care about all of our employees and the work that you
do with us. With that being said you are allowed to work on projects that do
not involve Facebook if:
1. Projects are not done on company grounds
2. Projects do use any of the companies resources

3. Projects are not done during work hours

If Facebook employees do not follow this policy then the project and therefor
any profit made out of it will become Facebook property. Employees involved
in the project will of course be given credit for the work they have done and
receive compensation for it but it will still be Facebook property.
Drug free Workplace
Facebook is a company who cares about the wellbeing of their employees.
We have adopted the Drug Free Workplace Program. We compromise to
provide a healthy and stable work environment for our employees. We
decided to follow this program because we have noticed that the use of
these substances can cause multiple incidents that could lead to fatal
consequences. The company considers drugs the following substances:
alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, and its derivatives.
Drug Testing
All employees are subject to undergo a drug testing before they start
working at this company. If your results come back positive the company has
the right to refuse to hire you. But if your results turn to be negative we will
gladly accept your services and hire you for the available position. In addition
to this policy the company reserves the right to perform drug tests randomly,
to ensure our employees are in compliance. If we find out that our
employees have been manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, possessing,
selling or using illegal drugs it will result in the termination of your
Dishonesty in the workplace
The Facebook Company does not tolerate dishonesty towards any employee
or towards management. Lying on a project and taking credit for someone
else's project will also not be taken lightly as management does take lying as
a company issue and could result in termination after the third warning from
your department supervisor.

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