Death Penalty Fixed

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Jesus Orozco


Death Penalty
The death penalty is the execution of anyone who has committed a
capital crime. This topic is the fuel to many debates and has even become a
national matter. There have been many botched executions and that has let
to even more controversy. To add salt to the wound many innocent people
have been condemned to the death penalty. There are many people for the
death penalty claiming it is getting rid of all crime and striking fear to anyone
who is planning a major crime. Then there are those against the death
penalty claiming its unmoral and is just a waste of tax payers money. Nick
Gillespie is the editor in chief of and writer of the article Why
the Death Penalty Needs to Die and argues that the death penalty isnt just
unmoral and a waste of money but that it also offensive to the ideals of
limited government.
Nick Gillespie uses ethos by stating that he is a libertarian, which
means that he believes in self-government and free will. This means that he
is for the people. He believes in the free will of people rather than the
government controlling every aspect of life. He shows himself as an advocate
for free will so that people see him as someone who talks for them. I believe
this is important to note because he puts himself in equal ground with the

Jesus Orozco

readers of his article. Its always nice to know that the person talking to you
isnt in any way over you.
The logic Nick Gillespie uses in his argument is very strong as well. As
stated before he says that the death penalty is a waste of tax payers
money, unmoral and is offensive to the ideals of limited government. He
uses the fact that California has used over $4 billion administering death
penalty cases while only executing 13 people. Also he also states that the
Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology concludes that the consensus among
criminologists is that the death penalty does not add any significant
deterrent effect above that of long-term imprisonment.(2014) Those
numbers and facts actually show you some statistics about the death penalty
which tells you how ineffective the death penalty actually is. He also states
that the price has skyrocketed to $134 million per death penalty case
according to Paula Mitchell(2015). He uses these examples to show that the
death penalty is way too expensive for what it is and that it is actually a
huge waste of tax payers money. This sort of logic is very hard to argue
since these are facts and arent made up.
He uses pathos in a great manner when he explains that innocents
have died by being wrongfully executed by the death penalty. He explains
that thanks to the Innocence project about 18 people who have combined
served 229 years in prison before being exonerated. He uses that fact to pull
at peoples heart strings. He makes it seem like anyone even someone who

Jesus Orozco

has never done anything wrong can be wrongfully executed. It doesnt only
bring sadness it also brings some sort of fear into a person. Nick Gillespie
uses this example to also give this sort of awareness over the government.
Nick shows that the government isnt always right and that has cost people
their lives. He also tells of many botched executions. This means that the
people executed werent killed quickly. They were left to suffer for who knows
how long. He gives you the sense of pity towards the executed. Nick also
said that about 18 people have been innocent from the charges set upon
them. Only 18 have been let go. Who knows how many have been left to die
and suffer. This too also leaves you thinking and adds to the emotional
weight he wants you to feel.
Nick Gillespie did an excellent job in this article. His use of facts and
resource makes this a very interesting read. He just doesnt support his
opinions with facts he also adds a lot of emotional weight to his article by
telling about the botched death penalty cases and the countless innocent
victims. I would strongly urge anyone who is against the death penalty to
read this article. Its very interesting and puts many things into perspective.
In conclusion this article will change your mind by giving you many reasons
to be against the death penalty by using pathos, logos, and ethos.

Jesus Orozco

Gillespie, N. (2014, July 31). Why the death penalty needs to die.
Retrieved December
12, 2015, from



Jesus Orozco

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