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Bedau, H. (n.d.). The Case Against the Death Penalty. Retrieved October 26, 2015,
This website uses information gathered to make an argument against the
death penalty. The authors use a lot of specific dates concerning the death
penalty and the dates of many trials. A lot of the history of the death penalty
is summarized within the website. This is a helpful source for gathering
specific dates to certain events to use in my argument.
Bonner, R. (n.d.). Anatomy of Injustice.Book
This book follows a man accused of murder of a woman and sentenced to
death. Like many death penalty cases the man has pleaded innocent and has
been tried three times and been incarcerated for 17 years. This book uses a
real life example of the average death penalty trial. This book will be helpful
to bring a strong example to the death penalties inaccuracy.

Death Penalty Focus : 10 Reasons to Oppose the Death Penalty. (n.d.). Retrieved
October 26, 2015, from
This website lists 10 solid reasons why the death penalty should be opposed.
It has links to various sources each giving massive detail to each of the
examples it gives about the death penalty. This website will be a very useful
source to provide specific reasons to oppose the death penalty.
Latson, J. (2015, May 4). A Gruesome Historical Argument Against the Death
Penalty. TIME,com.
This article gives the example of a man with a botched execution. The author
uses testimonies from the people present as they watched in shocked at the
man who was supposed to have a quick death, suffered for a whole 7
minutes. The man caught on fire because of the carelessness of the
executioner. This article will provide me with a great example of how the
death penalty deaths arent handled easily and how easily they go awry.
Leach, S. (2015, March 28). Here's Why We Need to Kill the Death Penalty.
Retrieved October 26, 2015,
This article fights the moral and credibility of the death penalty. It gives
statistics of how many have been sentenced to the death penalty and how
much have been declared innocent afterward. They also use DNA to prove

that not everyone can be declared innocent and thus sentenced to be

executed wrongfully. This article can help me show various statistics and how
the evidence is not always present to support or go against the victim.

Meyer, A. (2015, July 9). "I want people to know I didn't kill this man," Death row
inmate still claims innocence. Retrieved October 26, 2015, from know-i-didnt-kill-this-man-death-rowinmate-still-claims-innocence/
This interview with Richard Glossip shows the life of an innocent man who
was sentenced to the death penalty and has been waiting for 17 years. He
recalls the life of an accused and how it is like waiting to die even though you
know you havent committed a crime. The article goes in depth into the
conditions and lifestyle of this man and how its torture for him. This is an
excellent example for me to use. I can use it as the dark side of what the
people who are with the death penalty see it as. Its a real life example also.
Walkalone. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2015, from
This blog has stories from various people involved with the death penalty.
Some innocent and some guilty. They recall how they felt and how their lifes
changed because of it. This blog has many stories from many men and woman who
lived the death penalty. I can use one or two of the stories to show a real life story
of someone whos life was ruined by being wrongfully accused and sentenced.

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