1.) Social Location Paper

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) Social Location Paper

Title: Identity
This was a piece about where I stood in life. To title a more personal piece like this one I went with the
word that was the general theme of the piece. This seemed powerful and showed that this word holds a lot
of meaning in this piece. A lot of emotion could be put into this title, because it was a more emotional
2.) Description/Narration
Title: Improving for Myself
This was another more personal piece. Description and Narration calls for a first person point of view on a
subject. This assignment was an "I Believe" assignment. Since this was more personal and in a first point of
view I refer to myself in the title. This reveals to the reader first thing that the paper will be written on a
more personal level. Also this title refers to the general theme of the paper which is pertinent for a paper.
3.) Process Analysis
Title: How to Be Asian
For the Process Analysis paper I was assigned an How to Be Asian paper. Since this paper if very
mechanical and instructional, I felt the reader should know first thing what they are being instructed to do.
Titles are about first impression and this was really the only way to title this assignment.
4.) Speech
Title: Where Are You?
In this speech my audience wasn't the people, but too God. With this title I address my audience personally
and it suits the general theme of the paper which is very important. This is the background question that the
speech addresses. In many speeches I see a question or problem being addressed. The title directly implies
the problem of the speech.
5.) Argumentation/Persuasion
Title: Legalization is Not the Answer
Argumentation/Persuasion was a very professional paper. Since the intended audience was hostile logos,
and ethos could not be tainted. Therefore, it was necessary to make the title very formal. Many arguments
lose their ethos by the type of voice the author uses in a paper. To avoid this the title was simple and plain,
while fitting the general theme of the speech. I tried to make it more professional so my ethos remained

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