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Course competencies 4

Per writing while it doesn't seem like it, is a necessary part of writing. Organizing ideas before the essay is
written will improve it dramatically. The TTAPP method is extremely effective because when lost on how
to tackle a prompt, TTAPPs have the potential to give the writer the whole topic of the paper.
1.) Argumentation/Persuasion
Thesis-The legalization of marijuana would be devastating to the general health of people, impaired driving
would increase, and drugs would become normalized
Tone- satiric
Audience- myself
Point of View-a person that is against the legalization of marijuana for logical cause
Purpose-to persuade people to be against the legalization of marijuana
This TTAPP is a really good first example because it shows the potential of the technique. When writing
this paper I was really frustrated, because the idea was to write a paper from an opposite point of view. So
for this paper I filled out everything at first and the only two things filled were audience and point of view.
Upon seeing that I was arguing with my own ideas the rest filled itself easily. This exemplifies the
techniques ability to spark the ideas. Once it was started the organization became easy and I could isolate
myself against my own argument. This organized my thought process immensely.
2.) I Believe
Thesis- I believe children's parents should not be forcing kids to believe in the religion they personally
believe in.
Tone- passionate
Audience-children's parents
Point of view- God/religion should be something an individual chooses for themselves
Purpose- to show parents the perspective of someone who was raised Catholic.
This example is a more traditional way to approach the prewriting TTAPP technique. The prompt made it
very easy to make a thesis because it was based on personal opinion. This TTAPP was more used to
organize the style of this paper rather than the ideas. The tone and audience shaped the way this paper
addresses the reader and organizes my emotions on the subject. The TTAPP prewriting skill can be used for
more than just building a thesis and this exemplifies that.
3.) Speech
Thesis- Gods absences in my life has reduced the belief in him therefore, I am going to enjoy life instead of
pining after something that may never reveal itself to me.
Point of view- god's never showed himself to me so I need to make myself happier
Purpose- to motivate people to not wait on anyone, but themselves
This TTAPP focuses on the point of view and purpose, these two things drive the piece into being
organized. Since the topic was so sensitive and specific, the point of view I had to take position in pushed
me to make it more general. The generalization that the point of view put me in led to the whole general
theme of the paper. This theme is found in the purpose, and everything got edited once these two things
were instated into the TTAPP.

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