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The introduction is the first impression on the reader and the only chance to get the reader interested as

well. To write a good introduction can be really difficult because writers tend to ramble on and confuse the
readers. It must have the whole essay laid out while keeping the reader interested and this can be a difficult
task. All of these things must be including a thesis at the end.
1.) Description/Narration
Foot tapping, soft sighs, and a boring drawl going on in the background, church really
does take forever. (Interest reader with a sense of setting) Tick tick tick the
second hand on my watch taunts me, how can an I hour go by so slow? (Rhetorical
question makes reader feel like they interacted with the essay) Each long
second puts me closer to sleep. My mother's sharp sense of sight watches over my
family and I making sure we pay attention. God, communion, the bible, it's really not
my idea of a great time.(thesis, kind of week but it was to build voice) Being
there and learning isn't the issue, it's the fact that I was forced to go.

2.) English Final

I watched the couple walk into Starbucks looking very comfortable. (I often time use a sense of setting to
make the reader engaged) The male's relaxed stance and messy hair and the female's friendly smile made
the couple seem at ease. When the two sat down the chaos followed. The female had just ordered her
drink, and looked uneasily at her friend's water. She seemed to offer to buy his drink, but this made the
male's face turned extremely uncomfortable. (This was used to pull the readers attention in)The male
reassured her that he was okay, with a pat on the back, and the two sat down. Although the conversation
seemed minor, the tension was obvious. The two sat in silence until the male decided to go buy his own
drink, this was a grave mistake, the female's face instantly changed into an uncomfortable look. She asked
him, "Are you mad at me?" he replied, "No why would I be?" The male obviously knew that the lack of a
drink made his friend uncomfortable and went to buy a new one, but his compromise just made things
worse. The male, in this situation, obviously overlooked the females body language and facial cues.
(Shows why the situation explained was important while simultaneously laying out the papers
general theme for the reader) The two genders, especially in this society, exists in completely different
cultures than each other. Men and Women have minimal understanding of their counterparts culture; Body
language, depth of conversation, and status vs connection play major roles in everyday communication
between genders. (Thesis at the end of the paragraph how it's supposed to be, also this looks much
better than the first example thesis. This paper was written nearing the middle of the semester vs. the
beginning of the semester and growth can be seen with the specification of ideas and sentence
3.) Classification/Division
America's media has been going down a slippery slope for several years now. TV shows are so similar to
old shows that it's all they get compared to, movies have resorted to milking dead cows with mediocre spin
offs of classic movies, and music has narrowed down it's creative field to a formula of writing that seems
present in most modern songs. What's even worse is this bad media has heavily influenced America's pop
culture scene, meaning that you can find a less than stellar show, movie, or song pretty much anywhere you
go. (For this paper I took a different approach, instead of a fact or something random I used the
general layout of the paper to interest the reader. I also introduced the theme of the paper as well.)
The radio is full of mainstream pop songs that are all similar to each other. Television is all re-runs of
actually good shows that are no longer in production, or you'll find yourself in a sea of new series's with
similar stories and twists to your old favorite show that got canceled 2 seasons in.(relatable generalization
to interest reader) Our theaters are full of bad spin offs, and silly comedies that seem to have already been
done by another director. The lack of creativity in today's media is disgusting, and it's filling our eyes, ears,
and brains with garbages.(bold accusation to hook the reader further into the argument) Shmedia is an
ever growing form of bad modern media that becomes progressively more inescapable based on the type of
media, including Movies, TV, and Music. (This thesis statement was written after the third example,
but it is on par with it. It is the standard three pronged type of thesis and works very well with this
type of paper. It organizes the ideas and lays it out even more specifically)

The general layout would be more about the whole theme of the paper, where a specific layout would
have the specific topics of the paper. When both are added the readers is well informed of what the
paper is going to be about.
4.) Argumentation/Persuasion
However, a majority of marijuana smokers do not smoke marijuana for medical purposes, but for
recreational purposes. (This paper was different because it was written in a Rogerian style of writing.
So the introduction to the actual argument was placed in the second paragraph. This is a good
hooking sentence, because it disproves the other argument without being hostile) Recreationally there
is not much benefit, "Marijuana is currently the leading cause of substance dependence other than alcohol
in than U.S. in 2008, marijuana use accounted for 4.2 million of the 7 million people aged 12 or older
classified with dependence or abuse of an illicit drugs" (Why We Should Not Legalize Marijuana). (Use of
logos on the introduction to layout next paragraph)This is the statistic for a drug that is illegal, imagine
the consequences that recreational users would face with the legalization of this substance. The legalization
of marijuana would be devastating to the general health of people, impaired driving would increase and
drugs would become normalized. (Three pronged thesis again fits an argumentative type of writing.
The improvement in the thesis is in the organization of it this time. This thesis uses the argument as
the claim and supports it with extremely specific examples.)

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