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The body paragraphs are where the argument is made or the claim is proven.

In order to have a well

written one it must well inform the reader of the topic and support all of its claims
1.) English Final
Body language is a major barrier in communication for the two genders. (This is the topic sentence, a
good topic sentence introduced the claim or argument of the whole paragraph. This topic sentence
was used for argumentation, therefore causing it to make a claim instead of stating a fact. Also this
sentence's topic was extracted from the thesis, and the sentence supports it.) The female gender is
known for their subtly in conversation. In many scenarios the female will mainly portray her desires
through body language, while men have little knowledge of translating this language. Tannen observed a
couple in a similar situation as the two in the coffee shop mentioned above. The wife in this situation
wanted to stop for coffee, but she didn't directly tell him. Instead she suggested that they should go, and
her body might have been saying something completely different. At the end of the conversation the wife
didn't feel like her wants were considered, and the husband was confused on what exactly she wanted
(Tannen 1). (Specific observation to support the topic sentence) Females tend to speak in subtly or use
their body language as a cue for their wants. If the male in the coffee shop had picked up on the female's
body language conflict may have been avoided. (Analysis of the specific information brings support and
unity to the argument.) The opportunity to clarify that he wanted water was missed, because he thought
the female was belittling by offering him a drink. The misinterpretation of the female's body language and
reasons for looking upset was the root of the conflict. Deborah Tannen, gender communication expert,
states "Im trying to prevent fights, some women refuse to oppose the wills of [men] openly".(more
concrete details)Women are extremely shy when it comes to conflict with men. As a result body language
reflects their true intentions. However, men have difficulty translating body language into the desires of
women. (This gives the quote purpose in the paragraph)The way the two genders were taught to
communicate is a problem to face when speaking to one another.
2.) Classification/Division
TV shows have become nothing but, reality TV shows, sitcoms, and dramas.(This topic sentence, since
used in a classification/division paper, states the topic in the thesis which was "TV shows". However,
it includes another list of sub topics to be divide de and classified. This improves on the first
examples topic sentence by showing the awareness to type of paper to change the topic sentence.)
Shows like Keeping up with the Kardashians, and The Real Housewives poison the air waves and leave
viewers watching endlessly craving more information about a glorified life style. (Gives specific
examples) These shows show of plastic surgeons working on celebrities much younger than them.
Constant exposure to flawless edited celebrities living a glorified lifestyle (How Mass Media Is Slowly
Ruining Society). Sitcoms with their corny jokes and laughtrack make anyone cringe. Their attempted
humor ruins what used to be a amazing style of show. That 70's show and the Office cannot be beat, but the
new recycled jokes and ideas are becoming a repetition of what everyone has seen. How can anyone forget
the drama? Greys Anatomy and One Tree Hill may have the teenage girls going wild, but the rest of the
population sighs. (Specific examples again) With bad acting and gag worthy quotes will always have a fan
base. Although it's not going anywhere, it definitely fits the idea of shemdia. (Support for the examples,
also ties back to the thesis) All these categories have been re run over and over, "A few years ago,
network television became dominated by cheaply made reality TV shows...sitcoms with hyper maniac
characters, and socially repetitive themes" (Alexander). Plenty of viewers have recognized this era of
Shmedia and have cut their television stations due to the lack of originality on the air. (Improved ending to
the paragraph, provides support for the thesis, while wrapping up the ideas of why TV is Shmedia)
3.) Argumentation/Persuasion
Most importantly, marijuana has an enormous list of negative effects on the human body. (This topic
sentence works for this paper because it implies the first statement in the thesis, the statement that
marijuana is bad for ones general health. The topic sentence is improved from the other two because
it uses implication to explain the same idea from the thesis. The claim supports the entirety of the
thesis and the specific category the paragraph fell under)
The most dangerous one is dependence. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, many people
become dependent on the drug contrary to popular belief. Their research reveals 9 percent of people, 11

percent of teenagers who use, and 25 percent of daily users become dependent. With 21.4 percent of
seniors already using this illegally, most likely the recreational use would increase immensely after
legalization.(Concrete details) A nation of people dependent on a substance is detrimental to general health
everywhere, especially with adolescence most likely starting younger and younger every day. It is common
knowledge that the adolescent brain does not mature until the mid twenties of most adults.(improved
argumentation and support by using inductive reasoning and also common knowledge) Having them
hooked on this hendoism for a better high will devastate their brains health. It is necessary to keep these
neurological pathways natural and safe during their growth and creation.(using more than one claim to
support improves the completeness of the paragraph.) Overloading these pathways with THC and other
chemicals from marijuana could damage this critical process in adolescence. As people find purer and purer
forms of this chemical, like wax, the health effects worsen. The legalization of marijuana would only push
for stronger doses of marijuana. Medical dispensaries have already created purer forms, therefore the
legalization would most likely push for higher dose.(improved support with inductive reasoning.)

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