Memo Topic Intro On Capitalism

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Professor Gomez
Brandon Diaz
Issues of
Capitalism in
American Politics

Capitalism has mainly been an issue in America for the past few
decades. There was a time when capitalism did this country much
good and helped it grow into what it is today. Capitalism is the
economic and political system in which a country's trade and
industry are controlled by private owners for profit. The problems
with capitalism today are that business people look forward to
making their way up the ladder for the better pay. It is a given that in
capitalism there has to be growth, but infinite growth is not possible
on a finite planet. Therefore, a time will come when we run out of our
resources here.
Reasons for Choosing Topic:
I feel that there is much to learn about capitalism. Just as there are
negative outcomes to capitalism there are also positive ones. I really
think it is important that people become more educated in the
political systems in our country so that together we may find a
solution that would be best for our country.
Relations between Capitalism and Metallurgical Engineering:
Metallurgical Engineering has to do much with the natural resources
on Earth and many ways to put these resources to use in the most
efficient ways. If capitalism continues at the rate it has been the last
century, it will force companies to use up most natural resources for
mass production of many different types of products. Not leaving
much left and eventually cause production for many of lifes
necessities to slow way down or come to a complete halt.
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