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Paredes Giselle
Professor Lewis
English 115
24 November 2015
Live Your Own Life
Society tends to judge others based on appearance and roles, unconsciously. In the book
Howls Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, a character named Sophie Hatter goes through life
being judged and expected to live a life already planned out for her. With Sophie being the eldest
of two younger sisters, her future is expected to be doomed for failure. This does not stop her
from being a caring and compassionate person for others. However, after the realization of how
she is treated, Sophie sees how she has been taken advantage by her step mother. After cursed by
a witch, Sophie is able to learn her true self through one major mirror stage. As what Jacques
Lacan psychoanalyst and theorist believed that we have a tendency to make people create their
own image of themselves, and that the image of ones self is an illusion because of the constant
changing of the mirror stage (Lacans Mirror Stage) This is the stage when one becomes familiar
with themselves, building their self-image and learning their imperfections. During this stage
others are able to view and get to know a different side of Sophie that no one else is familiar
with. Sophie goes through the mirror stage when she is physically transformed, unrecognizable,
allowing herself to express her true self without being judged.
Ideology can affect a wide public but may tend to confer some special role of leadership
on intellectuals (Ideology). In other words how society thinks one should act, setting up rules
and recognition of ones self. Karl Max, theorist, believed in this as well, people are understood
to be born into a pre-existing ideology and to live in a condition of conflict between their

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material lives and the ideologies which determined their identity. (Ideology) Louis Althusser
believed ideology is the rules and regulations one thinks they must follow upon themselves.
Without being aware of it, regulations have been set up onto ones self, into superstructure,
identifying themselves. Society does this by setting expectations to live by that people try their
best to achieve. But what make these expectations the same for everyone? Who is to say there is
a right or wrong way to live ones life? It is talked about and expected to go to grade school,
college, then straight to the career right away. To not slack off and work hard ones whole life. If
a person chooses not to do this path, then they are judged right away as being unsuccessful or
lazy. But what if people were not judged for doing their choice of what makes them happy?
Instead individuals can have a future that makes them truly happy, being able to express their
true self.
In similarity, Sophie has expectations from her society. Sophie lives In the land of
Ingary, where such as seven-league boots and cloaks of invisibility really exist, it is quite a
misfortune to be born the eldest of three (Jones 1). Being the eldest of three is worse than being
a child of poor woodcutter. Without a doubt, she is expected to have failure in her future. While
her siblings have a simpler and happier lifestyle ahead of them, Sophie sets herself up for her
future and accepts what she is told. The step mother has set up their future of who each child will
continue to grow and live, since she can no longer afford their business. She sends Sophies two
siblings off to apprentice elsewhere, suited for their future. Sophie, on the other hand, is to stay
home with the step mother to help run their hat business and to give Sophie a chance to learn
how to trade. She does not argue or try fighting her future. Unlike her little sister Lettie, Lettie
knows her desires of a different future for herself. However, Sophie instead only does what she is
told and does not share or know any feelings of what is expected of her. While Lettie expresses

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that she is different and would not let anyone tell her different, she appears to know herself better
than Sophie knows herself. Though their world has patterns of lifestyles throughout generations,
this should not necessarily mean it must be followed. If one knows they are different and would
be happier living the life that they know is right for themselves, then who should dare stop them?
Sophie is very obedient and does not argue or question ones authority. Her step mother
has been there for the past years to help raise them, knowing Sophies potential and personality.
Sophies siblings have realized that they were the ones to help give Sophie the self-respect she
deserves, since Sophie is easily taken advantage of. The younger siblings could tell right away
that the step mothers intentions were to slave her away and with unfair benefits. Everyone is
aware of her mastermind with her creations of hats and clothes, making her step mother only use
her for her benefit. The stepmother recognizes that Sophie is hardworking and obedient, and
leaves Sophie to do most of the work. She piles on work for Sophie to do, all while also assisting
and making sales to the customers. Step mother leaves the store often telling Sophie she is off
buying more materials, but little does she know that the younger siblings have kept an eye on
step mother who she sees buying new clothes and possibly a new place. But Sophie is left feeling
alone and ignored. All though she feels this way she does not express her feelings with her step
mother and is unable to communicate with her sisters due to the heavy work load Sophie is
given. Instead she is left talking to the only things that can only hear what she has to say, the hats
that she is making.
Before put on a curse, Sophie does not see herself as anyone special. In the beginning of the
novel, Sophie is an easy going person. She is helpful and caring to her sisters. When all sisters
are told that they must move out to join apprenticeships, Sophie is there to make sure all is well
and to reassure them stepmother did this for the best intentions. She looks forward to hearing

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from them and knowing that they are happy and safe helps make Sophie feel as if everything
turned out well. Once everyone gets started on their apprenticeship, the siblings become so busy
that they do not have a chance to check up on one another. Sophie however is left with a lot of
responsibility and work from the hat shop. She goes by what she is told and does not argue back
with her step mother. Although she has seen that her siblings move onto new lifestyles, involving
new experiences, Sophie resumes her original lifestyle of what she has been raised to do. With
her future set up for her she continues with acceptance of what will come later. When Sophie is
opened to the realization of how her step mother is truly like, she then becomes confused and
displeased at her step mother for her actions. Sophie tries speaking up to her step mother about
earning a wage for all the hard she does, but step mothers reaction is at first accepting but does
not act upon it later. This made Sophie feel a fool to be even working for her anymore, but then
remembered her fortune and continued on making hats.
After going through her mirror stage of the spell, she is given an opportunity to express her
true self. The spell has changed her outside appearance to an old woman, making her
unrecognizable to those in her town. Now she no longer has to live by her ideology of doomed
failure, Sophie can choose to do anything as she please. As she wondered off, she came upon
Howls moving castle, who is known for being mysterious and taking on young girls souls.
Since she now does not have to worry about her appearance, she builds a stronger personality of
being more free and trying situations out of her usual comfort zone. She does not have to live by
her expectation or responsibility, and can express herself of how she really feels. When out
wondering, she has already begun speaking her mind when coming across situations. Her fears
have been pushed away, allowing herself to be more adventurous and in control. Sophie does not
actually mind this spell, as she feels more independent and free. She can use this opportunity to

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explore and try new things, without being watched by others in the town and without making
herself believe as if she has to be someone she is not. This is a great opportunity for Sophie to
learn her true self, with her ideology set aside, open to finding more on her realistic future that
she deserves.
When she goes off exploring and stumbles upon the Wizard Howls castle, she finds the
confidence in herself to invite herself to stay and is persistent to stay there. In that castle, there
are three being who live there: the Wizard Howl, Calcifer, and Michael. Calcifer, a demon spirit
who controls where Howls castle moves, is put on a spell by Howl. Then there is Michael,
Howls apprentice who is under a strict contract unless he can otherwise break it. They see
Sophie as the old woman, not meeting who she was before as the young woman. The difference
in this is she is more controlling and demanding when giving orders or making conversation. As
a girl, Sophie would have shriveled with embarrassment at the way she was behaving. As an old
woman, she did not mind what she did or said. She found that a great relief (Jones 83). Though
she may act different, she still is the same caring person who wants to help others. During her
stay there, she is determined to help Calcifer break his contract with Howl and goes through
attempts to clarify the mysterious reasons. Sophie is passionate in helping Howl as well.
Although at first she judged him and feared him, after he took her in and she got to know him,
she saw a different side to him showing that he really is a kind helpful man who tries to hide his
true self by covering it up with a mysterious and heartless man. When he asks Sophie to help him
in situations, she does not do exactly what he wants, because she knows what he is capable of
and instead does what she thinks will help him help others. They all see Sophie as kind hearted
person who does not focus on herself but rather on the need of others.

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Towards the end of the novel, after a long adventurous journey through out Ingary,
Sophie is able to break her curse that she was placed on, returning physically back to her true
self, no longer an old woman. Through her long journey, she is a new person who is more
confident than ever. She has built her personality to stand up for herself and to open herself up to
love. She has broken her ideology and set up her own future. She can happily live her life now
with Howl, and no longer live under her step mothers rules and expectations. Her mirror stage
helped her to see herself through a different perspective in which she got to see how it is like to
be yourself without the rules anticipated on herself, being the eldest child. Sophie learned her
external identification, learning about yourself then becoming that self. She can now use this for
her upcoming life with Howl, where she learns her true self, making her a happier stronger
In conclusion, Sophie went through learning ongoing obstacle, which helped made her learn
who she really is by noticing details of how she used to act before her transition of becoming an
old woman. The novel then goes forth in showing the care and love she has towards her siblings,
making sure they are well taken care of when they are forced to leave home. Sophie is later taken
advantaged by her stepmother, who knows that Sophie will do what she is told, since she is an
obedient child. From her sister's perspective, they view Sophie as honorable and hardworking
person. Sophie is then put under a spell that puts her in a situation to run away from home.
Through her journey, she builds confidence in doing things out of her comfort zone, which she
explores a castle she normally would never have built the courage to even walk up to. After
going through her mirror stage, due to the spell she was put on, she is able to discover her true
self easier, accepting and learning who she is. This helps justifies how there are many different
views to identifying a person. Although in the beginning Sophie may seem to know herself, and

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everyone else too, it is not till she goes through a dramatic change that helps her realize who she
really is.

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Works Cited
"ideology". Encyclopdia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica Online.
Encyclopdia Britannica Inc., 2015. Web. 29 Nov. 2015
Jones, Diana Wynne. Gamel, Terry. "Lacan's Mirror Stage."
Gamel, Terry. "Lacan's Mirror Stage." Terry Gamels Writing Portfolio. N.p., 26 Oct.
2010. Web. 13 Nov. 2015.

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