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Discussion on Technology Sector in Hawaii

Join us at Abercrombie for Governor headquarters (Ward Warehouse, 2nd Floor,

next door to Kincaidʼs) on Tuesday, April 6, 2010, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. for a
discussion about Hawaiiʼs technology sector. Attendance is free of charge.
Refreshments will be served.

21st century technology can level the economic playing field for Hawaii.  Neil is
committed to growing the technology sector: building physical and intellectual
infrastructure, educating and training our young people, and attracting public and
private investment to spur technology developments.

Three experts from the field will join Neil Abercrombie in a panel discussion:
What sort of commitment is necessary at the state level to allow Hawaiiʼs
technology sector to grow and flourish?  Attendees are encouraged to ask
questions and join the discussion.

Bert Lum of Bytemarks will moderate the discussion. In addition to Neil

Abercrombie, the panelists will be:

◦ Jay Fidell, ThinkTech Hawaii

◦ Daniel Leuck, creator of TechHui and CEO of Ikayzo
◦ Dr. Patrick Sullivan, Founder, Oceanit, and Founder, CEO, and
President of Hoana Medical, Inc.

Please RSVP to Josh Levinson at or call 589-2237.  

The event will be live-streamed on the web at

index.php/live/.  Those watching online will be able to submit questions for the

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