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Abdulkadir Aden

EDU 5201
December 12, 2015

I always design my lessons with the intent of ELL students in mind. I start my lessons
activating students prior knowledge and building background information through the content
material. Then I teach students the vocabulary that is associated with the new content. I pay
special attention to the needs of ELL students and make sure the needs of all learners are met.
Usually I model for students what theyre expected to do or produce. For example, if the activity
is new I explain and demonstrate the learning actions. Whenever we read an article or do a
writing piece I write the questions and answers on the board so students follow along. During
reading and writing I try to speak and write slowly and clearly. I always give students enough
time to formulate their responses, whether in speaking or in writing.
Every lesson I teach I always assess what worked and the changes I need to make to help
the needs of ELL students. Working with ELL students I discovered that I need to use visuals,
sketches, gestures, intonation, and other non-verbal cues to make both language and content
more accessible to students.

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