De-bricking-Recovering-Firmware Re-Flashing A Bricked Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH2 Wireless Router

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De-bricking/Recovering/Firmware Re-flashing a Bricked Buffalo

WZR-HP-G300NH2 Wireless Router

Written by: Teo En Ming
Date: 6 April 2014
Version: 1.0
The following instructions were performed on Windows 8.1 64-bit operating system.
1. Use the router MAC address of 02-aa-bb-cc-dd-1a. You will use this information later.
2. Download the latest official firmware from Buffalo Technology's official website.
Extract the zip file to get the firmware, in my case, it's version 1.93 and the firmware file name
is wzrhpg300nh2-193 (22.9 MB).
3. Download and install pumpkin TFTP client (version 2.7.3) from
4. Unplug the power cable and connect the computer directly to the router LAN port closest to the
WAN port.
5. Momentarily power on the router again.
6. Set the computer's static IP to, netmask, and gateway
7. Unplug the router's power cord again.
8. Open a Windows command prompt as Administrator.
9. Type route print to get a list of your NIC(s). Write down the interface number for the LAN
card, in my case, it's 3.
10. Now type the commands below to get the ARP binding.
netsh interface ipv4 add neighbors 3 02-aa-bb-cc-dd-1a
arp -a
arp -s 02-aa-bb-cc-dd-1a
arp -a
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11. Replace the number 3 with your interface number.

12. Execute Pumpkin TFTP client. Start > All Programs > Klever Group > PumpKIN.
Click Put File.
Local file: wzrhpg300nh2-193
Remote Host:
Click OK.
13. Quickly plug the power back to turn on the router. After a few seconds, PumpKIN TFTP client
will start transferring the firmware file to the router until 100% completion. It will take another
6 seconds for the firmware flashing to complete. Subsequently, the router will reboot when the
firmware upgrade is done.
14. Browse to to configure your router.

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