Final Reflective Essay - Christina Kulasekere

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Final Reflective Essay

Christina Kulasekere
Intercultural Communications
Ottawa University

December 12, 2015


Intercultural communications has been an inspiring class for self-reflection and
evaluation of my own beliefs, culture and the influence it has on my social perspective. I have
spent a lot of time thinking about the meaning of my own culture and how that impacts my
relationship with other people. It has become critically important in our globalized market to
understand other peoples intention, customs and cultural differences so that individuals can
communicate better and function in a diverse environment. Without a suitable understanding of
the importance of intercultural communication in daily life, people lack the aptitude to navigate
challenges posed by others cultural differences. This can lead to an inability to behave
appropriately or lead to misconceptions about other people and stereotyping.
Interpersonal, Collective & Institutional Discrimination
Unfortunately discrimination still exists in many contexts in our society today. Even
after all the legislative effort to provide equal opportunity for all people there is still tension
between different cultures and people. Societal perspective has come far from the days of
segregation but there is still fear of those who are different than the perceived normal or based on
an individuals beliefs. Discrimination comes in many forms and can be intentional or arise from
unconscious personal bias. Three notable types are interpersonal, collective and institutional.
The question is why does discrimination still exists today and what drives people to
behave this way? The collective type is discrimination against an entire group of people. It is
clear to me that people who dont like change and find themselves in unusual situations that
make them uncomfortable and as a result resist the situations or people that they associated with


these circumstance by reacting negatively. It can be expressed through opinions and actions
motivated by their experience that are often formulated through their cultural lens, ethnocentric
views and use of stereotypes to justify their beliefs (Martin, 2014).
Stereotypes can be useful for processing and recalling information but also as a way of
judging others cultural values that are poorly understood and a generalized description for a
group of people with social similarities. Today there is a growing fear of Muslims, termed
Muslim phobia. The marginalized news coverage of the media predominately depicts acts of
terrorism and its association with the Islamic faith. There is very little information disseminated
or dedicated to the efforts of peaceful Muslims who are opposed to this behavior. I think a lot of
good could be accomplished that would also change social attitude if media outlets provided
more information differentiating radicalized Muslims from peaceful followers of Islam.
Interpersonal discrimination singularly affects an individual due to racism and personal
bias (Acevedo-Garcia et. al, 2013). It creates racial disparities in personal development as well
as have a negative impact in the workplace that may be caused by unintentional and intentional
behavior (Acevedo-Garcia et. al, 2013).

I dont understand any form of racism or the validation

of those with this perspective. Globalization and technology have increased the rate at which
cultural diversity is evolving. It will inevitable influence most if not all aspects of our
professional and personal life. I see it as an opportunity to learn and an attribute to my lifestyle.
To be successful individuals have no choice but to accept diversity and work with cultural
differences (Martin, 2014).
Institutional discrimination is institutional practices or policies that reproduce racial
stratification (Acevedo-Garcia et. al, 2013). This can be inadvertent practices that unfairly


target an individual or group of people and have a detrimental consequences in the work
The Influence of Popular Culture on Identity
Popular culture shapes our social perspective. It influences the way we dress, our social
interaction and recreational choices. American popular culture focuses on broadcasting and
entertainment but has a much greater impact on society behavior and perception. It is often the
image that represents us to the rest of the world and provides their awareness of American
culture. It is often how we are characterized and does not necessary represent the views of the
majority of Americans.
Pop culture is also used for self-expression. Fashion can be a method of expressing our
personalities or symbolize how an individual wishes to be perceived. It can also manipulate how
other people distinguish you and affect their response or behavior.
Attitude and Conflict in Intercultural Communication
An individuals attitude and respect toward other peers in the work place is an important
aspect of coexisting in a multicultural professional environment. Having a basic understanding
of other cultural histories can help mitigate cultural differences and make the workforce more
productive. Businesses often feel that having a diverse employee base, enables a balanced
cohesive group that represents its consumers and therefore will efficiently communicate and
meet the needs of those consumers (Martin, 2014).
Cultural differences within a group can lead to discourse and misalignment of
organizational objectives. It is understood that social dynamics influence how work groups
function. Normative influence suggests that individuals want to be accepted more than giving a


truthful opinion or contribution to group decisions (Henningsen &Henningsen, 2015).

Information influences imply that opinions and behavior of the group need to change based on an
anticipated outcome (Henningsen &Henningsen, 2015).
Having an open mind and learning the differences in communication and etiquette of
other cultures will afford the opportunity to navigate the challenges faced in both professional
and personal situations. The work environment offers the most occasions of developing cultural
experience which can be utilized toward achieving goals and preferred results.
What Ive learned
Intercultural communication has made me more conscious of my social behavior and
perspective. It has caused me to reflect upon what I do and why, including what I can do better.
It isnt often that we pause to think about what motivates our response to other people or why
what we perceive isnt really fair due to our cultural differences.
I am the product of my cultural just as much everyone else, this has caused me to be more
aware of other individual cultural histories and verbal/non-verbal communication style. I see it
as a liability to not be accommodating of cultural differences. The world is getting small and
unless we want to live in constant conflict due to misinformation or prejudice then the only
choice is to learn from one another.
Language and Communication
I have confronted many situations where a language barrier existed and prevented easy
communication. Observing the body language and other non-verbal cues can help fill in missing
information. It has been indicated that communicating without common language can be
challenging (McCarthy et. al, 2013). Communication and culture are closely intertwined...


culture influences how feelings are expressed and what verbal and nonverbal expressions are
appropriate (McCarthy et. al, 2013). Having experience and knowledge can be essential to
resolving differences in communication style.
I have had personal experience using interpreters in the health care setting. I found that it
helped immeasurably to build a rapport and clarify medical care. Once a relationship was
established it was no longer necessary to have the interpreter present. The patient and I became
accustomed to one anothers non-verbal cues and body language. It also helped that we had a
consistent routine that was followed. It only was necessary to have the interpreter present if
there were changes to treatment or additional questions.
Todays world has evolved so that individuals are no longer limited to their own cultural
environment but exposed to different cultures and people frequently. Resisting change and
cultural influence only inhibits an individuals ability to function and succeed in society.
Intercultural communication has become one of the most important skills to develop where
borders are permeable and social tolerance is more important than ever before.


Acevedo-Garcia, D., Rosenfeld, L., Hardy, E., Mcardle, N., & Osypuk, T. (2013). Future
Directions in Research on Institutional and Interpersonal Discrimination and Childrens
Health. Am J Public Health American Journal of Public Health, 103(10), 1754-1763.
Henningsen, D., & Henningsen, M. (2014). A Preliminary Examination of Perceptions of Social
Influence in Group Decision Making in the Workplace. International Journal of Business
Communication, 52(2), 188-204. doi:10.1177/2329488414525448
Martin, J., & Nakayama, T. (2014). Experiencing intercultural communication: an introduction.
(5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
Mccarthy, J., Cassidy, I., Graham, M., & Tuohy, D. (2013). Conversations through barriers of
language and interpretation. British Journal of Nursing, 22(6), 335-339.

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