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Competency 007: The teacher understands and applies principles and

strategies for communicating effectively in varied teaching and learning
For me this means that the teacher, me, is able to teach in different ways in order to
reach all of the learners in my class. I should be able to teach most of my lessons as
a written lesson, hands on lesson, and maybe an oral lesson. I also means that I
should be able to communicate with all of my coworkers and be able to come up
with a lesson plan that is workable for our entire team and not just me.

2. Competency 008: The teacher provides appropriate instruction that actively

engages students in the learning process.
This reminds me of the way that Mrs. Jackson taught her class. She had them up
and actively working the lesson rather than just sitting at a desk writing papers, or
doing worksheets. I believe that the students learned better by moving around than
sitting at a desk fighting off sleep. There are more than one way to do this also. You
do not have to have your students jumping around the classroom in order to
achieve this. Another way to engage your students is to ask a lot of questions, and
have every student get a turn in answering one.

3. Competency 011: The teacher understands the importance of family

involvement in childrens education and knows how to interact and
communicate effectively with parents

Parents should play a huge role in the childs learning. If a parent is not active in a
childs school life then the child will not be active in his own schoolwork. I have
really enjoyed doing family projects for my kids homework, and I think that is a
great way to get parents involved. Also making opportunities for parent, or family
member, to volunteer at the childs school is a great way to get them involved.
Make a couple days a month available for family members to come in and have a
story hour with the kids, or an arts and crafts hour, where they can decide what
they will make and spend time with their little one.

4. Competency 012: The teacher enhances professional knowledge and skills by

effectively interacting with other members of the professional community and
participating in various types of professional activities.
Teachers need to be able to get along with their coworkers. Having stable
friendships within the school makes the workplace enjoyable and better functioning.
I also think that the schools should have activities where the teachers get together,
participate in different things, and bond. I know that a school near me just had a
painting with a twist party for the staff in the schools cafeteria. I also believe that
teachers should do something to give back to the community often. Whether it be
community service, donating presents or food for the holidays, or helping with after
school activities.

5. Competency 013: The teacher understands and adheres to legal and ethical
requirements for educators and is knowledgeable of the structure of
education in Texas.

As teachers we are responsible for the safety and well-being of our student. This
means that we should know the rules and laws of our state when it comes to the
safety of our students and follow them at all times. If the doors of the school need
to be locked at all times, that means shut and lock the doors. If we are expected to
have our students at a certain level, then we need to do everything we possibly can
to make sure that happens. If a student is expected to read at a certain level, then
we need to look for the students who are behind and get them help before that

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