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Assisted suicide

usually involves a
doctor knowing
that the patient
want to commit
suicide, so he/she
provides the
patient a lethal

Marco MunozMelissa GarciaWan Koo

Visual Argument Project

Assisted suicide
should not be
viewed as simply
unethical as there
is a lot of thought
and decisions put
into it and it is a
way of easing a
terrible condition to
make the patient
not go through as
much suffering as
they are. It also
eases the suffering
of the afflicted
companions as
they are given a
definite means of
consent and
rather than letting
their beloved

RWS 1301



What is Assisted Suicide?

My life my choice at the

end of my life

Assisted suicide is the where the patients

receive the means or knowledge to take
their own life from physicians. It is
usually provided for terminally ill patients
that are suffering. It is currently only
legal in 5 states in the United States
which are Oregon, Montana, Washington,
Vermont, and California.
Who is for Assisted Suicide?
There are currently 5 states in the United
States where assisted suicide is legal.

The History
Assisted suicide was first successfully
renown when Oregon enacted its Dying
with Dignity Act on October 27th, 1997

How does it work?

Assisted suicide should be seen as a
dignified and legal way of ending life in
such terms and not simply as just a
suicide. It is a means for a patient to ease
their suffering if they are experiencing an
agonizing life, because of the pain from
their illness in which they will never
recover from and are bound to die from or
continue to live with such pain.

The preparations for assisted suicide are

heavily thought-out and discussed between
the afflicted parties. Physicians do the best
in explaining the process and providing the
means for the patient to go through with
their choice. It is not simply done on a
whim. If the patient is suffering enough and
are terminal and choose to ask the
physician for a means to leave, then the
physician will make sure to properly explain
the process in order to assist


Assisted suicide is also legal in these

three countries


Visual Argument Project

RWS 1301
University of Texas at El Paso

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